Astrological factors for politics, politicians, ministers, presidents:
A lot of my subscribers are active, directly or indirectly connected with politics, depending on which political party rules the government. I mean some are MLA, MP, different ministers in cabinet. People from different walks of life after working in some government job, service based professions, businessman, and even celebrities approach me, for consultation to see whether their astrology chart is compatible for politics, upto what level they can reach, whether they will win elections be it parliament elections, assembly elections, local, panchayath, municipality and corporation level elections to fill certain positions.
Ruling government influences many industries and sectors:
Even certain business, industries, pharma companies, small time traders life are influenced by which political party rules the nation in coming elections. Some even ask me about bypoll elections, due to demise of elected representative, elevation of elected members to other responsibilities and roles, leaving a position for MP, MLA vacant. For a country like India, this trends of elections, keep on coming every 3 months, I mean assembly elections, bypolls which makes astrology and analysing outcome interesting for my astrology subscribers. Elections may be different in different countries. In America, we have democrats and republicans and other political parties. I also keep a close watch on election trends of USA,UK, India in particular and many other countries
In India alone, there are different kind of elections, like parliamentary elections, assembly elections, local body polls, municipality, corporation, panchayath level elections. MLA’s and MP’s from all over India, consult me to know the outcome and odds. Astrologically there are certain yogas, for entry and smooth sailing in politics or political career. Some reach great heights, a popular public figure, through their schemes and work.
So what are the astrological factors for career in politics?
The position of Sun, saturn, rahu are the planets which play a key role for a career or natural alignment in politics. For such people, opportunities, circumstances and situations to get into politics comes naturally. Opportunities do pop up, and it is their free will to enter politics or not. Having strong yogas for politics, doesn;t mean that you should get into politics. When the time is ripe, opportunities do come in many forms. Timing also matters for this. You miss the timing, sometimes, the situations or circumstances for entry in politics, may not be favorable as before. An astrologer can analyse the chart and determine, any possibility for politics, the odds, if yes, the timing to get initiated and more. Planetary promise in natal chart and natural alignment is what I look for.
Spirits, rituals and guardians can help: (analysis important):
There are certain rituals, spirits help which can help you to get into politics. But don’t be too excited. We need to analyse the karma, energy levels and aura using astrology and spirits help. An astrology consultation or reading is mandatory. I can instantly determine the outcome, and answer any questions in this regard. Spirits have crystal ball like vision and can feel the vibes, upto what level you can reach, or politics just not suitable for you instantly. What it shows is what it shows. Politics or political career is not for everyone. However, rituals and spirits help can increase the odds, if you don’t have planetary alignment in the natal or birth chart.
Sudden rise in politics, popularity and fame:
This is an interesting astrological phenomenon. We have analysed a lot of astrology charts of top political personalities in the world. But I don’t need any astrology or natal chart for this. Just ask the spirits and within few minutes, it will feel the vibes, which is going to happen after few months or years ahead and give me the outcome. We also have mystic charts, where I will erect a chart and calculate the outcome, odds and do the analysis.
Some politicians have natural aura and charisma, no matter their profession or inclination. Political opportunities will come seeking for them once or many times in their lifetime. There are lot of astrological factors and I can’t disclose all the astrology factors here. Each and every chart is different. It is better to consult an astrologer in this regard.
Houses and planets responsible for politics or political career:
There are many astrological factors for political career and I can’t discuss all in this blog post. But, I will discuss a few.
Sun in 10th house will create natural opportunities for politics, when the dasha or period is active. However, free will matters and it is upto you to get into politics or not. Universe is a play of mysterious energies and forces of nature. It also means that, your family member is connected or associated with politics and opportunities come naturally. Not all are so lucky!
Saturn in certain houses, mutual aspects indicates a choice for political career. Sudden rise in politics, name, fame and popularity are also related to saturn role in politics. When this planetary period or sub period is active, such energies will be at the peak. However, each and every horoscope is different and you have to be pro active to make the most of opportunities, the planets throw at you. However, I have seen lot of astrology charts, they have just missed such opportunities, because nobody told them, or they never consulted an astrologer in this regard. So whether those political alignment comes back or not, totally depends upon your natal or birth chart. Rituals and spirits help are an exception. But we need to check how natural energies are working for you, the aura and chakra levels for this. I can determine this instantly using mystic charts.
Rahu in certain houses, degrees and conjunction, gives sudden promotion or elevation, unexpected victory depending upon the placement in natal or birth chart, and when its period or sub period is functional. However political reversals is also true. You need to do pacification rituals in that situation or in the worst scenario, quit politics. Strange are the ways of planets, stars and forces of nature.
Note: If you plans to get into politics, or want to know any possibilities and odds, I can do the analysis and answer all the questions in this regard. It can also be becoming a corporator, MP, MLA, Speaker, Rajya sabha or Lok sabha member whatever, minister, president, and other polls like bypolls, local body polls, muncipality, corporation, wards and panchayath level elections, we can help you to determine the odds and outcome. The result may also be negative or positive. What it shows is what it shows. Elections can be of any type or any country in the world. I just need a list of contenders, political party and any basic information to get started.
Do you want to become MP, MLA, corporator, counsellor, collector, chief minister, governor, speaker, prime minister and need elections reports, results or outcome? Fame and popularity? I have instant answers.
The astrological combinations doe corporator, counsellor and district collector and other roles or responsibilities are not discussed in detail here. But you can contact me for consultation for the same.
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