Vashikaran akarshan hypnosis astrology. Many of my followers ask a lot about this on daily basis. If you ask me, such energies do exist, I have personally seen 1000+ cases. Such vibes or vashikaran prabhav is very powerful. It depends upon spirit to help or not.. We view it on case to case basis. This is very popular among people of all ages.
I don’t approve all requests. Some ethics involved. Spirits can do any magic, if it wants to. Not for kids! But for serious issues in marriage, love, relationships, find a soulmate i consider. There are basic house rules to follow. Its prabhav is very powerful, it may even surpass a celebrity.
I have described everything in detail in the following blog posts. Very popular
among youth and even people of all ages. Information purposes only.
Its prabhav or spirit energies work in mysterious ways. Some simple principles you need to follow. Not for kids or immature people. Karma has a role.
Since I am friendly with people of 60+ countries, who sync with our beliefs, these people are our very loyal followers. I tell you everything is attraction, charm and seductive paranormal energies at play. Why people buy high end cars and gadgets like iPhone, because they are attracted to it. So hypnosis in the background. No shy! Please read these 3 blog posts in detail. I can even write 100+ blog posts about such mature topics.
Even job, promotion, high positions, consideration, proposals, friendships, dating, courtship, sex appeal and paranormal energies are connected with it. Your skills and education qualifications, can help to land foot in industry easily. Then to elevate, you need help of such energies. Perhaps others are using it discreetly.
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Part 2 : Charisma of spirits for attraction and beauty ( hidden tantra)
We also have tantra, secret exercises and meditation to connect with spirits, if appropriate. Not for kids!
Embarrassing problems, sexual problems, psychic issues all can be discussed. No shy! Spirits can answer using its vision. No shy! We have discussed this in YouTube channel. This is the way, we are able to build an audience worldwide. (who sync with our beliefs)
I can help you attract good marriage proposals, dating and good friends of opposite gender using tantra, which also helps in career and many opportunities.
For those having issues after marriage, finding a partner, attract opposite gender, we have certain exercises invoking spirits, which makes you very attractive and even sex appeal. No shy!
Don’t be worried about skin color or body structure, beauty or confidence issues. Discussing with someone certain embarrassing issues or secrets, will lift your spirits and you will feel like you are not alone. There are many like you, with similar issues and views.
Spirits can make you highly sexually appealing and skin color and full body complexion changes, once you connect spirits. I have personally helped many, I find appropriate. This can open door to new opportunities. Everything is attraction!
This is real astrology and tantra. Enhance your skills with charisma of spirits. Many new friendships, flirty signals, dating, marriage proposals, the energy is too much to handle. Many people will be attracted to you.
Note:Ideal for men/women below 50. No students and certain categories and we don’t deal with people, who don’t sync with our beliefs. No shy! Think about the way, how it can help in your life, career and new opportunities. We can have a discussion if interested ( for my existing followers only).
Personal observation for 7+ years:
I wonder, why people spend lot of money on luxury houses, high end cars, designer clothes, perfumes and lot of expensive beauty products. You don’t need all these. You can just attract people using the charisma of spirits. (They don’t know this). Depending upon your profession and skills combination, it works in mysterious ways. I am amazed, my followers share their experiences, after practising these exercises.