After demise of a family member, many things happen. Uncertain future, if deceased is sole bread winner, want to know cause of death if any foul play like enemy attacks or homicide. Some people with evil intentions, may try to create problems for you. You may face problems with own siblings, relatives or professional enemies. So we have mind reading and spirits vision, which can connect with person aura even after their death after few months or even years. Go through blog post and video for more details.
We all lose our family members at some point in life, due to old age, accidents and acts of nature. Sometimes, your friends, neighbors, relatives may not be supportive, because they have never experienced similar grief before. You need the help of real community. You are not alone.
I also organise, physical meetups, if appropriate.
Death may approach any person anytime respectively of class, age, gender. If you have lost any family member or someone beloved recently just let me know. I do hear lot of accidents, deaths on daily basis of my astrology followers. We do meet in person if appropriate.
Accidents, heart attacks, homicide. untimely death, cancer, old age illness, various causes of death, I hear on daily basis. We are a big community, we face bad phases of life together. You are not alone. After death rituals hindu, i can guide on this. We all have coped with grief.
Note: You may have lot of questions to ask after death in a family, and my spirits can answer instantly, using its crystal ball like vision. It can mind read 100 people in just 5 minutes. Who is supportive, helpful, how to deal with friends, enemies, finances and uncertain future.
Accidents, untimely death, diabetes, cancer, old age complications you can discuss with me. you can also schedule and meet me in person if appropriate. I organise lot of meetups, and we also meet if appropriate.
You may have 100+ questions, doubts like what cause the death, other paranormal things, if unnatural death, enemies, those supportive and those hostile. Our spirits can answer, all these, with its vision. Your financial condition and uncertain future.
Mind reading very important:
After death in family, some friends may turn foe, neighbors and relatives may annoy you or irritate you. They may consider you weak and try to cause problems. Our spirits can do mind reading and scan 100+ people in just 5 minutes, if you write all their names or unknown person in advance. Worse your own siblings and other family members may fight or argue with you. If you have enemy problems, you need lot of moral courage to fight back.
You cannot discuss those things or you may not get support. We have do mind reading of 100+ people in just 5 minutes. Contact me on whatsapp.
communication english only
no abuse/profanity
keep it simple and respect each other privacy
Pls share your experiences like hospital, paranormal experiences, grief after losing most beloved one, i can feature on my blog. we are a vibrant community. we all have gone through such experiences. you are not alone.
I also organise physical meetups to share hospital and paranormal experiences. After death rituals, emergency hospital rituals and Tantra yoga for serious critical situations.
Astrology and tantra for those who need help in marriage, relationships, dating, vashikaran, akarashan, attraction, hypnosis and forms of hypnotism, friendships. I have written a lot of blog posts and many videos about these topics on my youtube channel. Few topics are also adult and mature. Contact me for consultation or astrology readings. We also have tantra, spirits for those serious and determined people. The purpose of our astrology website is to discuss sensitive and private matters of human life, which you hesitate to discuss even with your close friends. I use spirits, which have crystal ball like vision, which can instantly give answers, using its vision. No shy! It doesn’t matter if you have 20, 50+ or 100 questions. Naturally it takes time for spirits to answer, using its vision. Because many of my astrology followers may be waiting, and we also have a queue to manage.
If you are a first time visitor to this website, you should mandatory listen to this audio file.
Visit“Contact us” page and either contact me through whatsapp or email to schedule consultation or arrange convenient time. Due to queue at peak times, I may not receive phone calls. I also have a queue to manage.
To know more about us, visit FAQ page Read About us and Readings page. Please have a look at this quick introduction video.
Westerners call it as full moon day, dark moon (no moon) day. These 2 astrological phases of moon, have lot of significance in hindu astrology and many schools of astrology in particular. Every month, we have 1 dark moon (no moon) and 1 full moon (new moon) day. So we have average of 12 full moon day and 12 dark moon (or no moon) days in a year. Most of the important festivals in various cultures, if it falls in these days, then the day is considered powerful as per almanac. There will be mood swings in human about love, relationships, sex, dating, attraction, jobs, career, business opportunities, evil eye and black magic, witchcraft, occult, summon spirits at peak on these days.
No moon (dark moon) or amavasya secrets:
Evil spirits energies will be at the peak on no moon or dark moon days. Ghosts, pretas, vampires, paranormal entities will be in peak of power. Most of the shamans and black magicians are most active on these days.
Appeasing kshudra devathas, evil spirits and various nature spirits and animal spirits to build a strong bond or connection with them or honour them. The next 15 days, after no moon or dark moon, the moon gains visibility, as each day passes by.
There will be high tides in ocean, accidents, crimes, murders, dangerous fights, rifts and even random terrorists attacks based on my years of observation. So avoid major travels for personal/business purpose on these days. You may travel the next day or plan accordingly. Including avoid signing new business proposals, new venture, buying new car, equipment or gadgets, hiring employees on these days.
People born on these days, have some kind of psychic powers and intuition, which will be visible in later stages in life. Avoid visiting shady areas like nightclubs, pubs, bars, lonely and deserted places, because chances of encounter with anti social elements, drug addicts are high. Many cases reported, particularly at night. Always be on light and crowded areas, where there is lot of foot traffic and be careful about your keys, gadgets like smartphone, cash and valuables. Most of the things get stolen and misplaced on these days. There is no light in atmosphere, and anything can happen in just few seconds. Avoid certain trees, where evil spirits hang out. Most of the astrology and superstitious inclined people, take lot of vows and fulfill small vows, celibacy, avoid sex. alcohol, no non veg, and any other forms of entertainment of senses. In return, the spirits gets pleased and bless them with various magical abilities, as per various customs. So, most of my astrology followers are highly superstitious and plan these 2 days in advance, their schedule, travel and daily activities. Many of them observe fast from morning to evening or as per their capacity, with small intake of food here and there. Vows for good marriage (if looking for a soul mate), business opportunities, partnerships, seek help in enemy problems, improve financial positions, jobs, promotions, hike in salary and various, tantra and occult practises are done on these days.
Full moon (new moon) or purnima secrets
After 15 days, we will have full moon day where moon’s energy keeps on increasing in strength after no moon day. On Poornima (full moon day) is of great astrological significance in hindu astrology and various astrology schools in world. Various rituals, vows are made to gods, guardians and good spirits. A bowl of rice and glass of water is offered to dead ancestors on amavasya days (no moon and dark moon days). Practises vary on different regions and customs. Honoring the dead ancestors on amavasya are of great significance.
A lot of whitemagic rituals, honour guardians and spirits, spellcasting or spells, travels, new business agreements signing, partnerships, partnerships, start of new business, buying costly gadgets and equipments are done on this day, along with consultation of astrologer for certain almanac timings. If your horoscope operating dasha and placement is very good, many surprises and opportunities come in your way.
In Indian astrology and hindu astrology, dead ancestors are also honoured on this day, start of a new venture. The position of moon cycle is at the peak and light intensity at peak. People born on these days, have intuition and hidden occult abilities. Most of the popular festivals in hindu astrology, come on this day, since the day is considered very auspicious for multiple purposes.
Amavasya and Purnima secrets:
Moon energies are very important for attraction, charishma, charm and win grace and goodwill of female dieties and even females. Moon determines the human nature, sudden behavior, mood swings, anxiety, depression, restlessness and hidden fears.
So stable condition of moon is very important. Otherwise you will be always worried about past, imaginary fears, nostalgia, obsessed with love, dating, relationships.
If Moon is good in your chart, you will receive lot of support from mature and elderly females, emotional and even financial support if appropriate. So most of the superstitious people, they do lot of rituals, take vow for a day, avoid sex, alcohol, avoid non veg and treat forces of mother nature well. In return, the supernatural bless you with opportunities and lot of surprises on the way. You need to win over them, and they can sense your intent or intention.
If you are looking for soulmate or marriage, life partner, overcome enemy problems, evil eye, court cases, litigations, attract new opportunities in career, business partners, then we strongly suggest you to do certain rituals and take vow upto your capacity on these days, under the guidance of astrologer.
Incoming search terms:
What is amavasya and poornima (purnima) in hindu astrology l indian astrology? What is full moon day and no moon day in western astrology?
what is new moon day and dark moon day in indian astrology?
Amavasya pournami dates 2020 2021 l full moon day no moon day dates 2020 2021 l new moon day dark moon day dates 2020 2021
Since january 2017, there was a surge on these kind of questions from my clients worldwide. Since Dec 2016 USA elections, there was some changes in immigration laws, visa policy , H1B and other kinds of visas worldwide.
Using my astrology art, I can predict visa, work permit, citizenship/residency permit cases. We can also help you to choose right degree/vocation/ higher studies suitable to your profile or career. Student visa/Investor visa/dependant visa and all kinds of visas.
Whether foreign settlement is on the cards for work/study and business purpose.
If you are the one, looking for green card, I can determine the odds using astrology. For those with no skills/experience/ qualifications there are certain methods to enter top countries legally. I can also detect them, using my astrology art. So there is hope! Let us analyse all the possibilities. You will get a description about the situation or a straight yes/no answers, depending upon what my horary chart says.
The universe or nature always show me, what works best for you, using horary chart. This can help in decision making process and see whether things are in your favour or not?
Note: Communication methods is through voice calls only, where you get instant answers in real time, and you can also clarify things there and then. We cannot support email for these kind of questions, at the moment.
Information needed from you to get started:
What kind of visa you are applying for? Did you apply before or first time? Your profession if any? Years of experience and company if any? Whether I will get visa or not this time? Any possibility? I will request my spirits, to sync with your energies and determine the outcome. (few minutes). You can then ask whatever questions you want, about this particular topic.
A lot of people worldwide, approach me for marriage, match making, dating, soulmate, choose the best compatibility in the pool of available options. A lot of my subscribers, requested me to write a post on this topic.
I have prepared 10 min video, speaking about marriage, psychology, luck and astrology factors.Pls have a look.
I have analysed 3000+ astrology charts in this area. I could see a clear pattern which determines mileage in marriage, birth chart not needed, I can instantly erect a mystic chart and determine this, within 5 minutes, how long this relationship will survive or breakup after marriage, divorce, issues after marriage, ego and arrogant issues, dowry, alimony, difficult to sync with in laws or too demanding, domestic violence, freedom compromised, imposed lot of restrictions say few months after marriage. It is wise, both the people discuss these aspects after marriage upfront, to avoid any issues or misunderstanding later. I can also help you on this, to determine the best odds. If you have multiple proposals in line, or just a specific proposal, we can have a look.
For those having difficulty to find a soulmate or love, I also have mystic exercises, by invoking a particular spirit, who has helped many in such matters. I don’t want to speak much about it, but you can contact me for consultation if appropriate. The Karma in your chart matters. I have seen many marriages, with lot of breakups and divorces in a row. Their natal or birth chart clearly shows me such pattern. They are high risk charts. I can also give you suggestions to improve that love karma , marriage and relationship karma with certain simple exercises, which can increase the aura and remove such blocks. We can determine the odds.
Don’t take chances. It is better to consult a good astrologer in your area, before initiating the final step.
I consider factors like matching and compatibility by universe, which is clearly shown in match making analysis. Next is their karma levels, what they have to tide through in this life, good and bad. Longevity of both spouses.
Also physical, emotional and psychological match is the key source of happiness and spark factor after marriage and mileage for the relationship. After having lot of experiences in this area, dealing with different people, I personally give them few suggestions and improvements if any.I give lot of consideration to this, and always choose the best in the pool, if you bring me multiple options or picks.
Marriage if done correctly with right astrological factors, will multiply luck or creates luck. I have personally seen many such cases, in my available pool of subscribers and happy with them. Seen their career improving in just 3 to 12 months, their business expanding and skyrocketing like never before, name, fame, popularity, more authority and favors from high authorities. Some luck exchange has happened and one spouse lucky chart, has saved the other. Also, if one spouse is having bad transition in life, the other lucky spouse chart, will neutralise and balance such energies. Everything in this universe is energy.
Also after the child birth, I have seen many instances of luck creation. Yes, children can bring luck to the couple. It is also a mystery of nature. I dont want to talk much. But I have seen major shift in energy levels, bond strengthened and more mature after having children. Career, luck changes after child birth.
Remember reverse is also true, if marriage is matched with wrong compatibility. I have also seen many marriages breaking after few months, just because one side is egoistic and arrogant, very difficult to control and handle. I have seen many marriages broken, due to two couples fighting with each other, like competing who is the best, who is earning more, he he. This is particularly common in IT industry, doctors and some notable professions. I have many such stories, and don’t want to mention here. Can give lot of examples during consultation, he he.
Dowry : Root of all evil
Dowry demands after marriage is increasing. . I have seen many pestering cases. There are many good people in this world, who don’t impose such demands. So a caution in this area. Instead go for the one who understands you, respect who you are, your skills, more than dowry. Odds of surviving such marriages are very low. Its a free will. If you are not comfortable with such customs, rampant in few parts of the world, it is wise to walk away from such proposals.
Blackmagic and evil eye:
Also, I believe blackmagic and evil eye destroying marriages. Yes, It is 100% possible. I could see a clear pattern in my mystic chart. Don’t annoy any holy men, tantrik, sacrilege, provoke any person who practices blackmagic or dark arts. I have personally seen lot of cases, and found worth mentioning. A spark is enough to turn everything upside down, and I have seen it taking a toll. Jealousy, envy is the major factor and this concerns worldwide, not limited to a particular country.
I believe marriage is an opportunity to understand each other problems, setbacks and work a way to fix the problems, not create problems or stir problems after marriage.
Manglik dosh and other compatibility mismatch: (few have it)
Manglik dosh is another one serious affliction in the house of mangalya. The marriages of such people are affected worldwide. I suggest a mandatory remedy for this, if you have it. Contact me directly for consultation, I will give you suggestions on how to neutralise this. Because each any every chart is different. Accidents, divorce, diseases, untimely death, ego and emotional outbursts after marriage are linked to this dosh. So please don’t take chances. Once mandatory remedy is done, you can lead normal life, with small remedies at certain time intervals here and there.
Also, there is lot about karma, for both spouses, which varies for person to person. Contact me directly for consultation and I could give a clear picture.
Psychology: (my new theory)
This is my own addition. Psychology of a spouse matters for happiness, content and understanding throughout their life. I have seen good marriages turning hostile, due to difference in views and opinions, their taste and mentality is different. I personally suggest my clients, to choose a spouse who matches and aligns with your qualities.
compatibility mismatch:
There is also a compatibility mismatch, which makes other spouse bed ridden and sick after marriage. I have advised not to proceed with such combination, because Karma matters and takes over after some time. There are certain forces of nature, which we have no control, despite any remedies. Strange are the workings of nature. There were some exceptional cases, which I found compatibility mismatch, they were deep in love cases and I personally suggest if the particular spouse can give you happiness, despite the universe doesn’t want to unite you, go for it. Let them live happily for a short period of time. After some time, Karma will take full effect and they are obliged to payback consequences of past life Karma, which I don’t want to discuss here. There are always charts in match making to neutralise your bad afflictions if any. You just need to keep looking, until a perfect match aligns in your way!
Divorce cases:
Those who are unfortunately divorced, by forces of nature not under our control, we have see the odds for future marriage and other possibilities. Many are doing well, after second marriage and living normal and happy and content. We can also see, if there is any possibility to fix the old marriage, even after divorce. There are odds, if Karma supports it. There may be small window of opportunity, but most of them just let it go. We can have a look, at this angle. Divorce is not the end of world, right? It is just a manifestation of some Karma, and the energy has to be diverted in some form. Some people, even have multiple divorces to be frank. Karma playing on them. We can see what are the available options in the pool, and see if there is someone who can still match you?
Extreme cases:
I have also seen many extreme cases, where mutiple marriage proposals are denied in a row or no marriage due to afflictions and curses in astrological chart, Karma, curses specific to family and lineage. Also problems after marriage and many series of divorces after marriage. We can determine the odds and see, what can be sone. You just need a boost in energy, work on the Karma, which is causing this, and things stabilise. There are certain simple exercises, which can increase the odds for marriage. Karma matters!
How to properly use matrimonial sites online? ( for people who believe in astrology and match making factors)
I get lot of these kind of questions, either from the parents looking for a match for their son or daughter and even from people actively searching for match in online matrimonial sites.
Most of the people waste a lot of time on matrimonial sites. They schedule a meeting with whomever they find fit, welcome them to their home, have a talk, and at the final stage, discovers that horoscope is not matching and decides to quit. It is a waste of time, energy and resources. I have seen people scheduling in person meeting with match for 20+ to 50+ and finally discovers horoscope not matching, if everything matching, they themselves find its not their kind and dodge the proposal.
I suggest to hide the phone number and email address, initiate chat through chat window only or inbuilt inbox or message system. If someone profile interests you and exactly matches, what you are looking for, ask for their date of birth, time and location, in case it is not displayed in the profile in advance. See whether the horoscopes are matching and also Karma is supporting. If yes, its upto you to schedule a meeting or introduce them to your parents and see, what they want to say.
Only schedule in person meeting, if the probability of matching the marriage is high.You can ask any concerns or few questions directly on phone and then schedule a meeting if appropriate. Just my views and opinion. I have seen lot of my astrology subscribers, who went through all these, and cannot leave this point. Marriage turned down at last minute, due to horoscope not matching and other reasons. Understand the psychology of person on phone, only schedule a meeting, if odds for fix are high. This way you will avoid wasting lot of time, energy and resources, for those proposals which will be denied at last minute.
How can an astrologer help you?
As soon as you find, few profiles interesting, their job, place, attitude, and other factors, you feel they physically, emotionally and psychologically can sync with you or you searching for son/daughter on their behalf, note down their date of birth, time and location. The more the profiles much better. I can analyse the match making factors, their Karma levels and pick the best in the available pool given to me. you can then make a direct contact with them, and proceed if appropriate. This way you can save lot of time and unnecessary frustation. There is always a match, which the universe aligns with you. (few exceptions)
My son or daughter is not interested in marriage? what can be done?
I get lot of these questions on daily basis. Nothing to worry. We could see the trends, their mood in the mystic charts instantly, whether they will change their mind or not. I have seen such persons changing their decision overnight, suddenly someone came in their life, they became mad in love and approached me. 1000+ such cases. Universe decides, when that should happen. If your son/daughter is above 30+ or 35+ age, some parents are just worried.
No matter, however adamant or reluctant they are, they have changed their views and changed their mind. (few exceptions).Otherwise just wait and give them the option to pick someone on their own, citing the terms if any. I have seen many people suddenly obsessed with a person, going to different city, different state, different country, travelling 1000 of miles to fix the marriage, requesting their guardians, if there is any possibility to match. People are different. If their guardians doesn’t agree despite requests, waiting and any suggestions for improvement in career and other fronts, its not worth the time. Just let it slip by, and keep looking! he he.
Infatuation is the common factor!
Fixing already divorced cases:
Karma matters a lot for fixing divorce cases. There are certain odds. I can see this trend in the mystic chart instantly as soon as you approach me. A small talk with both husband and wife can fix the marriage. I have seen happy reunion of already divorced cases, say after 3 years, 5 years. People feel for each other, realise they are losing some important element in life, and one spouse initiates a conversation abouts it. We also have mystic exercises, which increases the odds. But Karma is important to me. Some cases, just cannot be fixed. If my chart say “yes” and there is room for comeback and happy reunion, I will help you to initiate next steps. Otherwise no. Perhaps, a small spark is enough to fix everything.
You can share this link, to such people so that they can contact me for consultation, analyse the odds and then only proceed if appropriate. I can instantly determine the outcome.
Outcome: (saves you lot of time and avoid frustation)
But my mystic chart, can give instant answers for such questions. Depending upon the outcome, its upto you to make the move or not. Otherwise, it is just not worth the time. You can have a consultation with me, if you need a clear picture for such scenarios.
I can write a 100 pages book about this particular topic. I may update this post if appropriate. Please share this post, if appropriate.
I have also written an article about Mystic arts, for those having issues in marriage and relationships. You can have a look, and contact me for consultation if interested.
marriage matrimony astrology
find astrological odds to fix divorce breakups using astrology
Dowry, alimony and harassment in astrology
Harassment factors in astrology:
There are many cases of harassment experienced by my astrology subscribers. It can be harassment for dowry, money, material possessions or assets after marriage. There are many astrology factors, which clearly shows harassment after marriage, and threats of divorce, intimidation, domestic violence or physical abuse and emotional abuse, which ruins the marriage. Harassment can be either from spouse or in laws. In most of the cases, this kind of harassment ends in divorce. Always see the pros and cons, psychology analysis before marriage. You can approach me for consultation in this regard. Bring 2 to 5 proposals, so that we can choose the best, which aligns with you, brings lot of joy and happiness.
Analyse gambling, betting, wagering and speculation luck using vedic astrology
A lot of my astrology followers, do believe in luck, destiny, karma and games of chance. (They align with our principles and house rules of spirits)
Everyday millions in the world aspire to win lottery, sweepstakes,games of chance or some kind of financial windfall, through gambling, betting, speculation, wagering, horse racing, unexpected sudden wealth, will or inheritance is also a kind of pennies from heaven. Using astrology, such trends can be seen. To be frank,there should be a strong karma or planetary promise to make it happen. You can consult me for the same for gambling astrology. I shall do an analysis, and see all possible combinations and odds.
A lot of gamblers worldwide contact me on daily basis. Most of them are good friends of mine. Horse racing bets and football pools are very popular among them followed by other betting forms in their country. Even people who try their luck in casinos, both online and offline like blackjack, poker, dealing with cards, slots machines, wheel of fortune and games of chance, dice all contact me.
I could sense the energies of gamblers instantly, as soon as they contact me on phone, whatsapp, email, skype or in person. Astrologically gambling is all about luck and energy (aura) which varies from person to person. Very few are extremely lucky in gambling or other forms of games of chance. A particular spirit, can influence the wheel, dice, cards and even intuition. Many mysteries here and many principles to follow. Gambling is not for everyone. For serious people, we have certain mystic exercises. But I don’t entertain all such requests. We also have a queue to manage. Since a lot of my astrology followers are gamblers, align with our principles, I am writing this post. These astrology followers have good relationship with me.
Some of these guys, have won jackpots and I hear lot of small winnings here and there, few times in a week. It is completely random luck. Astrology and spirits may help to increase odds, for those guys who follow principles and house rules of spirits. To be frank, gambling is not for everyone. Atleast, there are few people, who play lottery and other games of chance. They set aside a small budget for lottery every month, and it doesn’t affect their lifestyle. Everyone aspires (most of my astrology followers) to try their luck in games of chance. The house always has an advantage or edge and always wins.
People with good gambling combinations in astrology chart (na tal or birth chart), I see them on daily basis. They have an edge over games of chance. Other people, you can request help of spirits, but there are certain principles and house rules to follow. (Includes spells, simple exercises and meditation). People do share their gambling experiences with me. For some, gambling addiction is a serious problem. Such people, it is better to stay away from gambling.
Note: This gambling astrology reading is not for everyone. It is for my established subscribers, whom we have good rapport with. Please contact me before if you want to buy reading about gambling astrology. (for newcomers). The payment tab is enabled to cater needs of my established followers or customers.
However, there are certain spirits, which can help you in gambling. There are certain rules to follow and it doesn’t suits everyone. I should see the karma in your chart, whether planetary combinations are supporting for certain kinds of gambling and then proceed if appropriate. Betting astrology is not everyone’s cup of tea. (Lot of casino players, request astrology exercises on daily basis)
In my astrology system, there are certain houses and calculations, which gives a clear idea about gambling gains, the appropriate time and when to exit. However, spirits have different energies and any determined person can win over them, which has certain abilities like magical, which helps in wagering or betting as per astrology. Spirits energies work on certain frequencies and vibrations, and there are certain people spirits like to work with, if you align with their principles and don’t annoy them.
Karma and planetary combinations carries maximum weightage. I have lot of followers from different countries, who believe in spirits and incorporate them in their life. However, there are certain people, we don’t deal with them in the first place. You can have a look at the FAQ page for reasons.
Some charts are considered lucky, otherwise please stay away from speculation or gambling. However,certain rituals and with the help of lucky charms can help you to increase odds to some extent. (many exceptions)
A lot of people,inbox me about gambling astrology readings and speculation on daily basis. There are certain people, we may not deal with. Please read “FAQ” for more information. You can consider to try someone in your local area, some other astrologer or website. I also have a queue to manage and may not have time to look after gambling readings in particular.
Community of gamblers worldwide: (my past astrology followers)
I have managed to built a community of gamblers worldwide, who are interested in sports betting like horse racing, football pools and those guys who frequent casinos, play slot machines and other games of chance. Most of my astrology followers are highly superstitious about gambling. Luck is what matters in gambling. My mystic charts and spirits can instantly determine, how those energies are working for you.
My personal experience, while interacting with lot of gamblers:
A lot of gamblers, I have interacted with, are very superstitious and highly interesting people. They follow astrology principles, and spirit rules to improve their luck. My astrology followers (those into gambling) avoid non veg foods, alcohol and other beverages, toxic and smoking and abstinence. Including the clothes they wear while gambling, have showed some difference in my observation. If possible, don’t wear shoes, jewellers, watches (except amulets and talisman if any) because they may restrict energy flow.
Meditation is required to be calm at table or venue. There are certain objects, where gamblers get rid through, because it is associated with bad luck. Some of the gamblers only consider playing certain tables, certain dealers, certain dates and only favorite games. Gambling is played for pleasure and leisure. Of course, there are few of my astrology followers itself, who have gambling addiction problem. Some have lost a lot and I don’t want to mention. Most of the gambling venues, having disclaimers for responsible gambling.
They even have options like self exclusion, time outs, daily/weekly budget limit. Certain astrology combinations, in my astrology practise are known to support forms of gambling. But majority of them, it is all about random luck and seeking help of certain spirits, meditation and exercises. (for risk takers only)
Most of them are also practising my mystic arts, simple exercises and meditation to improve their chakras and energy levels. Most of them follow certain rituals before gambling, having bath, meditate for few minutes, request help from talisman, amulets and occult object binded if any. They also believe in vaastu shastra, avoid hurting animals and other fellow human beings.
Lost and found – find, trace, search or locate lost items, missing dogs and cats using astrology
Note: This post is archived for information purposes only. I mean not have the time to look after such cases due to the queue. So emails and calls, may not get replies.
Lost dogs or cats? Missing cats or dogs cases are very common. I could see lot of cases posted on social media like facebook and twitter. On average 1000s of cats, dogs, parrots, pigeon and other pets go missing worldwide on daily basis. The figure is much more. The guardians or loved ones are very desperate during such situations. They invest lot of money on flyers, newspapers, agencies, law authorities and more and what not. There is a big community of animal and wildlife admirers worldwide. I care for animals and wildlife too. They need a space on their own.
Even I get lost or missing cases of horses, exotic animals and pets. Spirits have radar like vision and instantly connect with the object. They work on different planes and frequencies.
I can understand, how much the owner is depressed once they lose their pets like cats or dogs or any animals, birds just missing for some minutes. You can contact me for the same, I can analyse the situation and give insights.
Make sure, you provide information such as pets last seen or spotted, enquire with the neighborhood, look the places they hangout too often, inform authorities if possible. Then you can contact me. I will do my best to help you, using astrology. Skype id: mailharsha08
We support email too.
******************** I have lost an object or item. Can you help me? (most common request, I hear on daily basis)
Lost your favorite item, articles, ring, necklace, chain,keys, car, bike, pets. I can help you using astrology and spirits help. Instant answers. High chances they can be misplaced or even theft or stolen. Any stolen goods can be detected by spirits and horary astrology help. In some cases, nothing much can be done about it. It is already transferred or passed on to someone. Lost objects or items can be anything of commercial value or sentimental value, connected with object. Gold jewellery, diamonds, wedding ring, laptop, phones, smartphones, gadgets, wallet, purse, money, debit or credit cards, currency, dollar bills, gold or silver coins, amulets, bracelet, ear rings, special protection lucky charms,even designer or trending and flashy clothes, shoes, vehicles, luggages or suitcases, important documents, and many security cameras, house decoration addons, idols, antique and vintage items or any handmade handicrafts or articles are common list of lost objects and items, I get on daily basis. Even stolen goods and theft can be determined using horary astrology and spirits help.
Mobile phone or smartphone thefts (android, apple ios and other high end mobiles), laptops, cash, jewellery, credit or debit cards theft, misplaced or luggage or personal goods stolen during travel are very common.
find or locate stolen goods, items and theft using horary astrology l burglary robbery mugging extortion using vedic astrology
Note: Information required from you to get started:
A small description about the animal, the city/state/country, where animal is last seen, did you make any enquiries/searches or contacting me, as soon as you lost contact with them. Since how long the animal is missing? (Ex: just now, 5 hours, 3 days, 2 weeks, 2 months or 1 year) Did you approach law authorities or not? A photo of the animal, will be ideal. (optional). This will help my spirits, to easily detect the animal and sync with their energies.
Note: In case of lost objects or items, replace animal with <lost object> I have seen many miracles in my career, that is the lost object itself magnifies to the owner, once a spirit energy is invoked. Misplaced items and if you don’t remember it, it manifests in some form. Karma matters for this. But in cases of theft and robbery or stolen scenarios, nothing much can be done about it.
find or locate lost or missing articles items or misplaced money, purse, wallet, debit or credit cards, cars, bikes, motorcycle, jewellery or gold silver chain, documents, keys, files using horary astrology
Our astrology is based on strong foundation of karma and tantra. I personally believe in lot of tantric traditions and Indian tantra is so big, mysterious and most of the occult are almost hidden from public view. Selected groups, cults in different parts of world embrace Indian tantra and there are certain rituals every year to honour them. A lot of magic is hidden in Indian tantra. (many years of observation)
Indian tantra is also practised in many european and asian countries and including USA and canada. Lot of shamans (tantriks) and magicians have lot of similarities with Indian tantra, and lot of them approach me for different spell requests, astrology readings. These energies, the spirits and guardians work in mysterious ways.
But there are lot of ethics and principles involved. My spirits can instantly sense your energies and gives a lot of information about you remotely. Please read this FAQ page to know more about it. In simple words, there are certain people whom we don’t deal with and reasons are mentioned in FAQ page.
Missing person –find, trace, search or locate lost or missing person using astrology
Note: This post is archived for information purposes only. I mean not have the time to look after such cases due to the queue. So emails and calls, may not get replies.
Missing person: Everyday 1000’s of people are missing worldwide. I can help you to trace or locate missing person. I will do my best to help you. No obligations!! Make sure you give information such as person last seen or found, enquire the neighborhood and contact authorities if appropriate.
Contact me asap, so that I can do an analysis, before situation goes out of hand. No obligations!!
Skype id: mailharsha08
We support email too.
Get clues about missing person, using horary astrology and spirits. So the possibilities are alive, dead, wounded, captured, lost in forest or woods, under captive, drugged, mugged or worse. Even cases of abduction, kidnapping, ransom cannot be ruled out. Some people are just unpredictable and aggressive, and just disappear without informing their loves ones. They must have done this many times in the past. Whatever, my spirits have radar like vision and can give clues, where he can be right now. Old people and children are the most common missing cases.
Missing person cases are very common. I could see lot of cases posted on social media like facebook and twitter. On average 1000s of people go missing worldwide on daily basis. The figure is much more. The guardians or loved ones are very desperate during such situations. They invest lot of money on flyers, newspapers, agencies, law authorities and more and what not.
My astrology art, can give an insight of the situation and guides you, what can be done during such tough situations.(stressful situations) Most of the times, the person in question will do come back soon, without any afflictions. But its good to analyse the same.
Sometimes the missing person can be found, after lot of efforts in searching, like lost in the woods during hikes or worse. Whatever, I can give insights about the situation, if you can contact me soon, before it is too late.
Most of the common missing person or lost cases can be father, mother, brother, sister, children, husband, wife, grandfather, grandmother, cousin, close relative, friend or neighbor. Children under 18 and adults above 60+ are most common missing person cases.
Share this on all social media, whatsapp and other platforms. Thanks.
Note: Information required from you to get started:
A small description about the person, the city/state/country, where he/she is last seen, did you make any enquiries/searches or contacting me, as soon as you lost contact with them. Since how long he/she is missing? (Ex: just now, 5 hours, 3 days, 2 weeks, 2 months or 1 year) Did you approach law authorities or not? A photo of the person, will be ideal. (optional). This will help my spirits, to easily detect the person and sync with their energies.
Corona virus astrological analysis (spirits have answers):
Corona virus or Covid19 is the curse of mysterious animal spirit. SARS, Ebola, MERS, spanish flu and many virus outbreak or respiratory infections of the past, are caused due to rage and anger of animal spirits. It is also caused due to humans abuse or kill poor animals and laws of nature. These viral or virus outbreaks or pandemic are cyclic in nature and comes and disappears from time to time. It has now gone global and its impact (prabhav) or vibes is so huge, that 80% of countries have went to complete lockdown.
People have never seen virus outbreaks of such intensity and global lockdown. In the past, we have seen many virus outbreaks like SARS,MERS, Spanish flu and small pandemic limited to certain countries or regions, here and there. But they were brought to control or medicines/vaccines were discovered to overcome it.
The economy came to a standstill due to lockdown. Many sectors were badly hit like airlines, hospitality, tourism, retail stores, small business bear the brunt of this outbreak. In some countries, government have decided to support industries or sectors affected by lockdown.
This world is always controlled by black magicians, magicians and shamans. They decide want to happen. We humans are just pawns or puppets. I have seen 1000+ cases in my astrology interactions. It is like a game to them.
Corona virus is the game of black magicians. It has even caught rich persons off guard, and many lost crores or billions of rupees due to lack of production and shutdown mode. My involvement with astrology, occult and tantra, should be also a play of black magicians. I have described the experiences in previous post.
Such mysterious illness and disease are always connected with black magic.
Even world war 1 and 2 are game of black magicians. War will break out in Europe anyway, if not for Hitler or Stalin. Such was the atmosphere or powerful prabhav (vibes).
But our belief systems, faith in god and supernatural will protect us. Atheists are a big joke. Any small black magic or spell on them can destroy them. They should come in contact with black magicians or shamans. I have seen 1000+ cases in my astrology practise.. Atheists just suffer.
World war 3 was due for a long time. There was an solar eclipse on dec 26 2019. I expected some kind of imminent danger to particular nation, nuclear exchange, wars, global tensions, natural calamities like earthquakes, tsunami, drought, famine and other forms of natural calamities. But this covid 19 or corona virus outbreak is creating world war 3 scenario.
Instead of people running to doomsday bunkers in advanced countries, or any other forms of shelter available with food and essential supplies inside it for months or few days, one mysterious viral outbreak, has created a similar world war 3 situation. There is an astrological reason for this situation. It is called corona virus or covid19. Virus outbreaks come in different names and go. Covid19 is similar to SARS. During 2003 SARS viral outbreak, only few countries were affected by it. But Corona virus, almost 80% of countries are directly afflicted by mysterious forces of nature.
Even the animal spirit didn’t spare healthcare workers, doctors, nurses who were treating the patients. They themselves got afflicted by virus and few of the doctors, nurses also passed away. Such is the rage and anger of the animal spirit curse. Slowly it’s vibes (prabhav) or influence has spread to 80% of the globe. There is fear, anxiety and uncertainty everywhere. It has effected all sectors of economy and most of the industries are in hibernation mode.
Although, there were few viral outbreaks in the past, it was limited to only particular region, country or continent. They have never seen anything like this before, of high intensity. Solar eclipses and lunar eclipses are most feared in astrology for particular nations, I have written a entire blog post about it. But dragon nodes, locking all planets this time, has created very volatile situation which just cannot be controlled for some time. Many magical beings, animal spirits exists since ages. There is a spirit for ocean, volcanoes, forests, mountain and it is upto the people belief systems in certain regions on how they pacify them. Energies are hidden in mystical beings or powerspots. Sometimes, such mysteries just cannot be scientifically explained.They have different vibrations, frequencies. Even human beings have certain vibrations and frequencies in the form of chakras or aura. It acts as an psychic shield.
Illegal trading and poaching of exotic animals, animals kept captive must have annoyed the animal spirit. The coronavirus existed 100’s of years ago. It lived parallel with human beings. It always resided in animals. It never used to disturb humans in the past. This time, the virus has jumped to humans, due to mutation. Stop killing exotic animals like pangolins, bats, tigers and bears and other animals connected with spiritworld for human consumption and medicinal value. Stop abusing animals like tigers, lions and elephants. This attitude of people towards poor and defenceless animals should change, they should be given space in the eco system and should not disturb them.
So the corona virus caused by the rage of animal spirit, will move away or disappear to different dimensions. Animal spirit rage comes in different forms, frequencies, dimensions and astral plane. There is lot of spiritual connection in it. It has even bypassed and surpassed the medical system for a while, and many health workers, doctors, nurses have lost their lives. Such is the intensity or prabhav (vibes) of the animal spirit. It just wants to leave animals all on its own.
When I cast a mystic chart for corona virus outbreak, all the planets are hemmed between dragon nodes. So planets lose their powers or potential in their clutches. It is a strange astrological event. ( Dragon head and dragon tail all planets locked, so loses 50% powers or influence. ) Animal spirits like other spirits have control over pancha bhutas or elements of nature. They can cause viral diseases, natural calamities like drought, famine, accidents and even earthquakes and tsunami. But viral disease breakout is their nature or pattern.
Around 70% of the global population is under lockdown state. Nothing much can be done, no big economic activity, until april 31. Slowly and partially all the restrictions will be lifted. But damage already done and irreversible and has short term impact, equal to world war 3 impact. All countries are directly or indirectly involved. Economies of many countries are badly hit, and it may take a while to recover.
The worse are yet to come for certain sectors, when this crisis is over or under control. Unemployment, job losses, pay cuts, salary cuts, cash flow of companies effected, bankruptcy cases surge, retail outlets do shrink in size, layoff employees and few units shutdown. Some online sectors or companies have benefited a lot in this period though. But traditional, brick and mortar business are badly effected and some recover after a while. The situation or panic caused is 3 times worse than 2008 global recession. The good thing is, everything is cyclic in astrology and things will come to normal in a year. Just avoid splurge, unneccessary travel and unwanted expenses. This is dark age and forces of nature will show its wrath, once people abuse laws of nature. No power can stop it or control it, such is nature of certain animal spirits in astrology.
So how can we stop virus outbreaks in the future? (Astrology point of view)
Respect laws of nature, stop abusing or kill poor animals and these virus outbreaks will stop. But that is not fully possible, because people belief systems are different. In India alone, we consider lot of animals sacred. Only few are permitted for consumption.
There are people who eat animals half cooked alive, skin it alive, drip in hot oil alive and laugh at their plight. Remember karma comes back! There are certain principles in astrology and earthquakes, natural disasters, virus outbreaks are connected with spirit world or animal spirits and can all be predicted using astrology. But that cannot stop, what has to come. Astrology can give reminders, hint and information about what has to come.
They have serious karmic consequences, because animals are connected with spiritworld. There will be virus outbreaks, every 15 to 20 years and each country or government should be prepared with healthcare. Nature itself is cleaning in its own way and there is lot of grief and sorrow in affected countries.
The sad and grief part is that, many people were caught all of a sudden, surprise and silent death.Such is the nature of animal spirits. The situation will be control after may 30 2020. Death messenger, snatched away the close and loved ones. Very volatile period right now. All governments have no other choice, but lockdown is the only way to save lives and balance cases, with existing healthcare infrastructure.
Note: Spirits have crystal ball like vision. They can detect most of things, not visible to human eye. It can answer lot of questions about corona virus. My existing followers are asking lot of questions on daily basis, and that is the reason, I am writing this blog post.
But nobody can stop its rage and anger of this curse of animal spirit. It will disappear soon, after doing lot of collateral damage.
We do active discussions about corona virus in our whatsapp group among our existing followers. People have lot of questions to ask, and I request spirits for answers. They have crystal ball like vision and know lot of things, which is not visible to human eye.
I may update answers in this blog post, safe to community. We are discussing astrological reasons. There are certain forces of nature and universe, which is beyond the control of human beings. They are cyclic in nature and operates on universal principle of karma. Such rare planetary alignment, which caused corona virus or similar virus outbreaks in the past,is a part of the astrological cycles as per divination. I and my astrology followers believe in astrology, gods, demons, different kinds of spirits and most of them yearly ritual (mandatory) to pacify spirits or make them happy. Some people are atheists in nature, and it is just understood. But provoking with forces of nature, its significations and even animals comes in the list, which are directly connected with spirit world.
They may accidentally or unknowingly cause harm to such animals or animal spirits, which triggers some kind of karmic repercussions. It’s all about the belief systems. Some people believe in god, respect the principles and don’t hurt significations of nature. Animals spirits do have control over forces or elements of nature. They control water, sky, fire, earth, air (pancha bhutas or 5 elements of nature). They do have mysterious and strange appearances like half human and half animal form. (animal spirits) They have been living parallel to human race, since ages. Not all, can see them or feel their vibes of frequencies. But they do make their presence known over time.
Interaction with astrology subscribers, who work in various sectors:
I have interacted with lot of my astrology subscribers, who work in different sectors and industries. The corona virus lockdown have brought their economy or source of income to complete halt or hibernation mode. Most of them Have big industries, textile shops, retail shops, entertainment niche like movie theaters, event management freelancers, lot of freelancers, movie production, ad shoots, outdoor advertising all felt the real dip. Many of them have turned to freelancing (depending upon their skills) and experimenting other sources of income.
Even big advertising industries were affected, where certain sectors or industries cancelled their ad campaigns or reduced the ad spend by a big margin or just running limited ads. It has affected print media, TV, radios, billboards, brochures, flyers and all other forms of marketing. No movie trailer ads, events or concerts, casinos, restaurants, hotels, flights, resorts, entire tourism sector which relies on international tourists as their main source of economy.
Schools, colleges and universities, are insisting for online classrooms, video conferencing and many of students lack proper infrastructure of hardware. How to procure computers, smartphone and broadband connection in this lockdown period is a big channels, as most of such retail shops are shut down, because they come under non essential items as per government. Many of the countries imposing strict rules for lockdown and lockdown violations are dealt with huge fines. This has also made the situation worse in some households, who have relationship or compatibility issues after marriage. Some companies or sectors have freezed hiring temporarily due to global uncertainity and there may be changes in structure.
Most of my astrology followers have learnt not to waste resources like food, water, electricity, use mobile data responsibly to avoid congestion of network. (Lockdown request by government, in certain countries). There is fear and uncertainity in the minds of my astrology subscribers, about their future, whether there will be a repeat like 2008 recession or worse, pay cuts, layoff or job losses. IT companies are just operating with 35% workforce and must of them are just asked to work from home.
Impact on nature and environment:
The nature or environment is becoming very clear, clear water on rivers, canals, parks, dolphins and strange fishes spotted. Animals are fearlessly roaming in neighborhoods (their orginal habitat) and I have also seen many of my astrology followers belief in gods, almighty and karma has increased. Whether they are directly affected or not, many are requesting the mysterious animal spirit to stop its anger and rage. The world has suffered a lot. The universe or forces of nature (pancha bhutas) always have an edge. It’s all about the beliefs. I personally requested my astrology followers don’t hurt poor animals.
Spirits response: (many followers asked me)
When I asked my spirits, about this covid 19 virus outbreak, they told me it will be in control after may 30 and lockdown and restrictions lifted and will be in full control after August 30. This is not the time for international travel and only travel if there is no alternative after may 30. (selected countries)
Social distancing, wearing masks and limited travel will be upto 1 year in certain parts of globe. (to avoid new hotspots from emerging or minimise risks)
Spirits also told me, that world war 3 was due for a long time and corona virus was the alternative approach. Such events are cyclic and it is waiting for a catalyst.
World war 1 started after assassination of Franz Ferdinand of Austria in Siberia.
World war 2 started after Hitler invaded Poland.
The world almost came near to world war 3, many times atleast 7+ times after WW2. Nuclear exchanges, missile crisis, regional wars goes out of control, shift of bi polar politics and humans way of thinking has changed. This is dark age and natural calamities comes in one way or other.
Note: Spirits can answer any questions about corona virus or impact, the approx numbers and what is on the horizon? They have crystal ball like vision, they can see things not visible to human eye. I am just a medium. I can put a request to them or ask questions and they will respond using their own vision. I have no control over them, or what they have to say. Please read “FAQ” for more information. The questions should make sense and reliable and clear.
Few of my astrology subsribers are presumed dead or struggling in hospital:
I have lot of astrology subscribers in USA, UK, France, Singapore (in the list of most affected countries). In the past, once I send a email/phone call or whatsapp or skype message, they just used to respond instantly, or after few hours, when they are available. But now even after 2 days, I have no response from them.Most of these people, come in the age group of 50 to 70. That means, they are already under quarantine, admitted in hospital or presumed dead. The list is big. I need to check with my spirits later, perhaps they can answer, whether they are dead or alive.
Few of my astrology followers, have lost their friends, next door neighbor, colleagues, their grand parents and they messaged me about the incident. The emotional trauma is huge. People are either dying in homes or nursing care homes, hospitals and other places of self isolation. Health care is not able to handle the sudden surge in cases.
They are not able to talk with their closed ones, and can only see them through glass windows and hospital sends death notifications, which is inconsolable. Even burial process has strict protocols and they are not supposed to see the body, touch it to avoid the risk of spreading. People do update me with their experiences, I mean those who have lost someone, in this virus outbreak.
I have personally seen lot of cases of evil eye, black magic, curses of strange spirits, but this mysterious animal spirit is something of high intensity, lot of amger and rage for human race. Nations, families or individuals get destroyed due to their prabhav (vibes). Some imbalance in pancha bhutas or forces of nature, caused by some kind of provocation to the spirit world. Once this crisis is over, the world won’t be the same. Health care will be a top priority for many countries and many changes in the way, we interact with other people. We are living in dark age era, as per astrological cycles. So there will be wars, nuclear exchange, natural calamities, global warming, missile crisis, curse of mysterious
animal spirits, acts of god/nature. However, respecting laws of nature and aligning with it, can avert or neutralise many things.
Personal message to my readers or loyal subscribers.
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