Submit form
Please purchase a reading from the “readings” tab and then enter the information here. You are most welcome to ask any questions, before purchase.
Name: Harsha
skype id: mailharsha08
Email id:
1.For natal or birth chart reading, email me the details in this format.
2. Date of birth format : dd/mm/yyyy
3. Time of birth : 24 hours format (or mention am or pm correctly)
4. city/country
5. total no of questions to be asked, as per reading.
Email the above details to
For Horary reading, email me the details in this format.
1.Subject of reading (anything that suits the reading. Ex: about business partnership)
2.Your current city/country
3. Brief description of situation (in about 5 to 10 lines, like person in question and persons involved whatever)
Email the above details to
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