What happens to soul after death – do this immediately


Respect soul after death. Do this immediately. Your elderly family member or grandparents or even spouse or children have met an untimely death, due to accidents, disease or old age. Whatever it may be, the soul still hangs out in the
earth plane for 8 days, before moving to otherworld. I have a discussion with many astrologers and elderly people, some say its 8 days, some 13 days, some even said 1 year. It varies from customs. Strong hindu beliefs.

Most of the hindu customs, have just 24 hours to either bury or cremate the body. The dead person, may be in confused state if untimely death. It could see everyone visiting the home, hear what your talking about, hangout in favorite
places like bedroom, balcony, hall, garden and favorite spots near house. So This window of opportunity for 8 to 13 days is very important to respect deceased soul. I also organise after death rituals. It could even see, the emotions of people,
like who is crying, cremating the body, strong emotions. I personally felt lot of paranormal experiences, when my elderly parent passed away and it may require another post.

The first 16 days, we avoid non veg food, no alcohol, no smoking, avoid physical intimacy with spouse, don’t watch adult theme content or self gratification. If you are in relationship with someone, tell your boyfriend/girlfriend, I have lost
a family member and will get back after 16 days. (The dead person can watch everyone in this 16 days period, due to its attachment) By cremating or bury the body, both get into reality, that the person is dead, and get into terms.
Each and every person have their own mourning and bereavement periods. This happens due to sudden loss and untimely death of a most beloved family member.

You can call all family members or closed ones in a different room, and explain to the soul, that it was an accident and how it happened. We all miss you and love you. This communication, it can hear. (Assume the person is standing in
front of you)

I personally lost my younger brother and elderly father at age 74, due to cardiac arrest and diabetic complications. It was very untimely death. I felt the strong presence of my parent for next 8 days. As an astrologer, I even tried to communicate with other paranormal methods and meditation. My elderly parent said “I tried to call you. But you didn’t hear” and cried for everyone. Such frequency, others can feel, but I felt a strong presence.

In many houses, after death first few days many paranormal things happen, like electric devices trip or defective. Grief and mourning in first 2 weeks is common. No matter the age of the person, if the person is very beloved or loved by everyone it is a loss. Any death, after 80+ is not a personal tragedy. The body becomes weak and naturally gives up. The average lifespan is 69 in India, as of 2024. Any death below the age of 65 is considered untimely.
But you will cope with that, due to strong support system of relatives and other family members.

Things not to do:

1. Don’t sit on their favorite chair, don’t use their personal belongings like watches, jewelry, their clothes for the first 20 days. The deceased person, may see this and may feel bad.

2. For charity of their personal belongings, wait for atleast 20 days or upto 1 year. Imagine the person, seeing you giving their personal belongings. It may feel bad. We have strong beliefs.

3. Some animals visit your home, in different forms, some birds come within a month. Please don’t chase them. Just pray like namaste and ask for forgiveness. It’s the soul in different form. If possible feed them
with rice, water and other foods. I have seen birds in distress.

4. Every year on Shradda day, please do after death rituals. Different regions in India, have different Hindu customs. You provide the soul with rice and water on this day. All ancestors of fathers and mothers side, are honored on this day.
Please don’t make them hungry. This one day food offering of rice and water, is food for entire year.

5. People most important to the deceased person, like their friends, relatives or colleagues, if they visit your home during mourning days, treat them well. The deceased may feel upset, if you are indifferent to them.

6. Don’t visit temples, for first 14 days.

7. Don’t speak anything negative or bad about the deceased person during first 15 days. The soul may feel bad.

I don’t attend any functions, marriages for upto 1 year. It’s your option. I also do lot of charity, to honour my dead soul, using their photo and name. Most beloved people, I consider.

Note: You can contact me on whatsapp, if you need any guidance. We all have gone through tough times. I have visited lot of funerals, done lot of hospital emergency rituals, after death rituals, visited many hospitals where my
astrology followers are in serious condition. I personally have lost 2 family members, my younger brother and elderly father, at the time of writing this post, and understand others grief.

We are a vibrant community. You may not get support from relatives, friends sometimes. But we support each other. Many of my astrology followers have lost most beloved ones in accidents, untimely death. We stay together. You are not alone.

I personally have Grief support group for my astrology followers. I may also meet them, in person if appropriate. Also share this blog post to people in grief or just lost someone. Don’t miss the window of opportunity of
first 16 days to respect the soul.


You should also read this post.  The practical aspects are mentioned here. 


Hindu Grief Support