A lot of people worldwide, approach me for marriage, match making, dating, soulmate, choose the best compatibility in the pool of available options. A lot of my subscribers, requested me to write a post on this topic.
I have prepared 10 min video, speaking about marriage, psychology, luck and astrology factors.Pls have a look.
I have analysed 3000+ astrology charts in this area. I could see a clear pattern which determines mileage in marriage, birth chart not needed, I can instantly erect a mystic chart and determine this, within 5 minutes, how long this relationship will survive or breakup after marriage, divorce, issues after marriage, ego and arrogant issues, dowry, alimony, difficult to sync with in laws or too demanding, domestic violence, freedom compromised, imposed lot of restrictions say few months after marriage. It is wise, both the people discuss these aspects after marriage upfront, to avoid any issues or misunderstanding later. I can also help you on this, to determine the best odds. If you have multiple proposals in line, or just a specific proposal, we can have a look.
For those having difficulty to find a soulmate or love, I also have mystic exercises, by invoking a particular spirit, who has helped many in such matters. I don’t want to speak much about it, but you can contact me for consultation if appropriate. The Karma in your chart matters. I have seen many marriages, with lot of breakups and divorces in a row. Their natal or birth chart clearly shows me such pattern. They are high risk charts. I can also give you suggestions to improve that love karma , marriage and relationship karma with certain simple exercises, which can increase the aura and remove such blocks. We can determine the odds.
Don’t take chances. It is better to consult a good astrologer in your area, before initiating the final step.
I consider factors like matching and compatibility by universe, which is clearly shown in match making analysis. Next is their karma levels, what they have to tide through in this life, good and bad. Longevity of both spouses.
Also physical, emotional and psychological match is the key source of happiness and spark factor after marriage and mileage for the relationship. After having lot of experiences in this area, dealing with different people, I personally give them few suggestions and improvements if any.I give lot of consideration to this, and always choose the best in the pool, if you bring me multiple options or picks.
Marriage if done correctly with right astrological factors, will multiply luck or creates luck. I have personally seen many such cases, in my available pool of subscribers and happy with them. Seen their career improving in just 3 to 12 months, their business expanding and skyrocketing like never before, name, fame, popularity, more authority and favors from high authorities. Some luck exchange has happened and one spouse lucky chart, has saved the other. Also, if one spouse is having bad transition in life, the other lucky spouse chart, will neutralise and balance such energies. Everything in this universe is energy.
Also after the child birth, I have seen many instances of luck creation. Yes, children can bring luck to the couple. It is also a mystery of nature. I dont want to talk much. But I have seen major shift in energy levels, bond strengthened and more mature after having children. Career, luck changes after child birth.
Remember reverse is also true, if marriage is matched with wrong compatibility. I have also seen many marriages breaking after few months, just because one side is egoistic and arrogant, very difficult to control and handle. I have seen many marriages broken, due to two couples fighting with each other, like competing who is the best, who is earning more, he he. This is particularly common in IT industry, doctors and some notable professions. I have many such stories, and don’t want to mention here. Can give lot of examples during consultation, he he.
Dowry : Root of all evil
Dowry demands after marriage is increasing. . I have seen many pestering cases. There are many good people in this world, who don’t impose such demands. So a caution in this area. Instead go for the one who understands you, respect who you are, your skills, more than dowry. Odds of surviving such marriages are very low. Its a free will. If you are not comfortable with such customs, rampant in few parts of the world, it is wise to walk away from such proposals.
Blackmagic and evil eye:
Also, I believe blackmagic and evil eye destroying marriages. Yes, It is 100% possible. I could see a clear pattern in my mystic chart. Don’t annoy any holy men, tantrik, sacrilege, provoke any person who practices blackmagic or dark arts. I have personally seen lot of cases, and found worth mentioning. A spark is enough to turn everything upside down, and I have seen it taking a toll. Jealousy, envy is the major factor and this concerns worldwide, not limited to a particular country.
I believe marriage is an opportunity to understand each other problems, setbacks and work a way to fix the problems, not create problems or stir problems after marriage.
Manglik dosh and other compatibility mismatch: (few have it)
Manglik dosh is another one serious affliction in the house of mangalya. The marriages of such people are affected worldwide. I suggest a mandatory remedy for this, if you have it. Contact me directly for consultation, I will give you suggestions on how to neutralise this. Because each any every chart is different. Accidents, divorce, diseases, untimely death, ego and emotional outbursts after marriage are linked to this dosh. So please don’t take chances. Once mandatory remedy is done, you can lead normal life, with small remedies at certain time intervals here and there.
Also, there is lot about karma, for both spouses, which varies for person to person. Contact me directly for consultation and I could give a clear picture.
Psychology: (my new theory)
This is my own addition. Psychology of a spouse matters for happiness, content and understanding throughout their life. I have seen good marriages turning hostile, due to difference in views and opinions, their taste and mentality is different. I personally suggest my clients, to choose a spouse who matches and aligns with your qualities.
compatibility mismatch:
There is also a compatibility mismatch, which makes other spouse bed ridden and sick after marriage. I have advised not to proceed with such combination, because Karma matters and takes over after some time. There are certain forces of nature, which we have no control, despite any remedies. Strange are the workings of nature. There were some exceptional cases, which I found compatibility mismatch, they were deep in love cases and I personally suggest if the particular spouse can give you happiness, despite the universe doesn’t want to unite you, go for it. Let them live happily for a short period of time. After some time, Karma will take full effect and they are obliged to payback consequences of past life Karma, which I don’t want to discuss here. There are always charts in match making to neutralise your bad afflictions if any. You just need to keep looking, until a perfect match aligns in your way!
Divorce cases:
Those who are unfortunately divorced, by forces of nature not under our control, we have see the odds for future marriage and other possibilities. Many are doing well, after second marriage and living normal and happy and content. We can also see, if there is any possibility to fix the old marriage, even after divorce. There are odds, if Karma supports it. There may be small window of opportunity, but most of them just let it go. We can have a look, at this angle. Divorce is not the end of world, right? It is just a manifestation of some Karma, and the energy has to be diverted in some form. Some people, even have multiple divorces to be frank. Karma playing on them. We can see what are the available options in the pool, and see if there is someone who can still match you?
Extreme cases:
I have also seen many extreme cases, where mutiple marriage proposals are denied in a row or no marriage due to afflictions and curses in astrological chart, Karma, curses specific to family and lineage. Also problems after marriage and many series of divorces after marriage. We can determine the odds and see, what can be sone. You just need a boost in energy, work on the Karma, which is causing this, and things stabilise. There are certain simple exercises, which can increase the odds for marriage. Karma matters!
How to properly use matrimonial sites online? ( for people who believe in astrology and match making factors)
I get lot of these kind of questions, either from the parents looking for a match for their son or daughter and even from people actively searching for match in online matrimonial sites.
Most of the people waste a lot of time on matrimonial sites. They schedule a meeting with whomever they find fit, welcome them to their home, have a talk, and at the final stage, discovers that horoscope is not matching and decides to quit. It is a waste of time, energy and resources. I have seen people scheduling in person meeting with match for 20+ to 50+ and finally discovers horoscope not matching, if everything matching, they themselves find its not their kind and dodge the proposal.
I suggest to hide the phone number and email address, initiate chat through chat window only or inbuilt inbox or message system. If someone profile interests you and exactly matches, what you are looking for, ask for their date of birth, time and location, in case it is not displayed in the profile in advance. See whether the horoscopes are matching and also Karma is supporting. If yes, its upto you to schedule a meeting or introduce them to your parents and see, what they want to say.
Only schedule in person meeting, if the probability of matching the marriage is high.You can ask any concerns or few questions directly on phone and then schedule a meeting if appropriate. Just my views and opinion. I have seen lot of my astrology subscribers, who went through all these, and cannot leave this point. Marriage turned down at last minute, due to horoscope not matching and other reasons. Understand the psychology of person on phone, only schedule a meeting, if odds for fix are high. This way you will avoid wasting lot of time, energy and resources, for those proposals which will be denied at last minute.
How can an astrologer help you?
As soon as you find, few profiles interesting, their job, place, attitude, and other factors, you feel they physically, emotionally and psychologically can sync with you or you searching for son/daughter on their behalf, note down their date of birth, time and location. The more the profiles much better. I can analyse the match making factors, their Karma levels and pick the best in the available pool given to me. you can then make a direct contact with them, and proceed if appropriate. This way you can save lot of time and unnecessary frustation. There is always a match, which the universe aligns with you. (few exceptions)
My son or daughter is not interested in marriage? what can be done?
I get lot of these questions on daily basis. Nothing to worry. We could see the trends, their mood in the mystic charts instantly, whether they will change their mind or not. I have seen such persons changing their decision overnight, suddenly someone came in their life, they became mad in love and approached me. 1000+ such cases. Universe decides, when that should happen. If your son/daughter is above 30+ or 35+ age, some parents are just worried.
No matter, however adamant or reluctant they are, they have changed their views and changed their mind. (few exceptions).Otherwise just wait and give them the option to pick someone on their own, citing the terms if any. I have seen many people suddenly obsessed with a person, going to different city, different state, different country, travelling 1000 of miles to fix the marriage, requesting their guardians, if there is any possibility to match. People are different. If their guardians doesn’t agree despite requests, waiting and any suggestions for improvement in career and other fronts, its not worth the time. Just let it slip by, and keep looking! he he.
Infatuation is the common factor!
Fixing already divorced cases:
Karma matters a lot for fixing divorce cases. There are certain odds. I can see this trend in the mystic chart instantly as soon as you approach me. A small talk with both husband and wife can fix the marriage. I have seen happy reunion of already divorced cases, say after 3 years, 5 years. People feel for each other, realise they are losing some important element in life, and one spouse initiates a conversation abouts it. We also have mystic exercises, which increases the odds. But Karma is important to me. Some cases, just cannot be fixed. If my chart say “yes” and there is room for comeback and happy reunion, I will help you to initiate next steps. Otherwise no. Perhaps, a small spark is enough to fix everything.
You can share this link, to such people so that they can contact me for consultation, analyse the odds and then only proceed if appropriate. I can instantly determine the outcome.
Outcome: (saves you lot of time and avoid frustation)
But my mystic chart, can give instant answers for such questions. Depending upon the outcome, its upto you to make the move or not. Otherwise, it is just not worth the time. You can have a consultation with me, if you need a clear picture for such scenarios.
I can write a 100 pages book about this particular topic. I may update this post if appropriate. Please share this post, if appropriate.
I have also written an article about Mystic arts, for those having issues in marriage and relationships. You can have a look, and contact me for consultation if interested. https://mystichorary.com/mysticarts

Harassment factors in astrology:
There are many cases of harassment experienced by my astrology subscribers. It can be harassment for dowry, money, material possessions or assets after marriage. There are many astrology factors, which clearly shows harassment after marriage, and threats of divorce, intimidation, domestic violence or physical abuse and emotional abuse, which ruins the marriage. Harassment can be either from spouse or in laws. In most of the cases, this kind of harassment ends in divorce. Always see the pros and cons, psychology analysis before marriage. You can approach me for consultation in this regard. Bring 2 to 5 proposals, so that we can choose the best, which aligns with you, brings lot of joy and happiness.