Magic hidden in astrology, spirits and mystic charts

There is lot of  magic hidden in astrology, spirits and mystic charts.  During my years of practise and experience, it is this magic element, which draw me towards spirits and mystic charts, since 2011. 

If you understand how spirits energies, earth energies and mystic energies works on environment and person, the potential is huge. These energies give magical element to astrology. But don’t get too excited. You all have natural energies, controlled by karma. 

But based on my personal and client experiences, spirits and mystic energies can even surpass natural energies of birth chart, giving us lot of room and opportunity for magic in various aspects of life.

We need to determine the odds, the karma and how energies are operating on a person. I can determine this instantl,  using mystic charts and determine the outcome.

Based on that info, mystic charts will tell me if magic is possible or not. Otherwise it is a big no, due to highly afflicted chart, where karma won’t let smooth flow of things. Risk takers are an exception. There are certain rules to follow, to align and sync with the spirits to tap those magical abilities and help.

Magic can be hidden in spirits, animals, powerspots, certain objects and rare astrological combinations, unknown to the person.

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This magic increases your aura, aligns right people and connections in your way, helps you to find an ideal soulmate, companion, healthy friends circle and people who cares for you. It polarises your chakras instantly, if you align with the spirit realm, using simple mystic exercises, which I can teach you, if I find you are appropriate.

Powerful magic and mysteries are hidden in spirits and mystic energies. A serious person, who aligns with nature and respects all living beings, can tap these realm.

You should go through all blog posts of this website, to understand about it. 
