Many people, aspire to live healthy above age 80. They take care at the age of 65, prepare for long life. I have seen many people do yoga, gym memberships, do aerobic and breathing exercises take supplements, fruit juices, alter diet to get long life.
Death is very mysterious. It is not under our control. Have you heard, many healthy people have died of sudden cardiac arrest at young age. Leave about accidents and other risk factors. In Hinduism, death is fixed. It cannot be altered under any circumstances. If you are a devotee of Lord Shiva, untimely death won’t approach you so fast. But, if your time has arrived, even in your 40s, 50s, you may die under mysterious circumstances.
In astrology, there is dasha system, to determine longevity. Some may die at 60s due to heart attacks or cancer, many in their 70s, few make up upto age 90. Health is very important, than mere longevity. If you are bed ridden at 75, and live above the age of 90, confined to home, aloof from soceity and public, is not vibrant life. Even though you live around 75, very vibrant and active, that is more quality of life. In this dark age, 10 to 20 precious years of elderly, got cut short, due to COVID. There is no guarantee. Life is so unpredictable for many. Time is short. Enjoy the maximum.Those who had pre existing complications, which are old age related, suffered heart attacks, kidney failure and even diabetics passed away. Diabetics causes lot of complications. It is deadly for elderly people.
In India, if a death happens, spouse believes, it is because of me, my husband or wife died. Our prayers went wrong. Or children also have some guilt or confusion, that they were not able to save their parents, by spirtual means.
Any death, above the age of 80, I personally don’t consider a tragedy. They have lived ripe full age and naturally, the heart, liver, kidneys, brain, bones weaken and gives up. But death below the age of 65 is tragedy. This is dark age, and the average life span of India as of 2024 is 69 years. Some live 90+, some 80+, some 50+, if you take average of 100 people, it comes to 69.
Due to improvement in healthcare, medicines, longevity upto age 80 is a possibility, provided you don’t have lifestyle diseases like Diabetes, cholesterol, hypertension.
There is Tantra Yoga, for serious and determined people, to boost longevity. It needs to be learnt in person. Not at the last minute. If you want your parents to lead long life, hospital emergency situations, you can follow this. Not for kids and immature people. Remember, if you lose 1 family member or parent, things won’t be the same. We all will die one day. That is the bitter truth. Tantra Yoga, can delay death to the maximum, not escape death. There are simple principles to follow.
At 70s, body aches, for some heart problems may arise, diabetics, cholesterol, hypertension
can be seen in Indian population. Diabetics
is very dangerous at that age. It makes heart weaker, double or triple the risk of heart attacks, stroke, damages nerves, blurry vision, kidney failure or even coma.
In India, diabetes kills 7 lakh people in a year as of 2024. People with all kind of medical conditions contact me. Some in critical situations and in ventilator support/ICU. I stayed for 6 months in 6 multi speciality hospitals, caring for my elderly parent.
People share lot of paranormal experiences, with me, before accident or death. Just be friendly and ask them, what they are talking. If they constantly see any animal in dream or ancestors, last stage of death has approached. They may be aloof, lose appetite for food, unexplained fear, talking about cremation or after death events, like where to bury or what next. I have seen lot of people.
My father died at the age of 74, due to heart attack and diabetes complications. I wish I knew this, when he was in the 70s, so he could have got few more years or upto 80 max. Next month, I made lot of research about Diabetics, cholesterol, hypertension, which is very common cause of death worldwide nowadays.
when my father died, my mother age was 61. so a gap of 12+ years. (my age 36)
Father was most beloved for family and community. He used to organise lot of charity and helped many. Both father and mother share symbolic role of protector. They have been with you for many years, and once you lose them untimely, you may naturally feel the void for few months.
Some say, we can be without father or mother.
But if you lose one, happiness may not be the same. Both are important. So whatever you can to save them. Do regular screening for diabetes, cholesterol, hypertension and few cancer screening, if you want them to live longer. I can help you to get started, about health parameters. (if you are an astrology follower, you can also meet me in person)
I organise meetups, educating my community about lifestyle diseases, which can be avoided.
whenever I attend my friends and relatives, I ask them whether they have Diabetics, cholesterol, hypertension and ask them to change diet, exercise, walk for atleast 30 min a day, be physically active, avoid smoking, alcohol. We discuss all safe practises, how diet can change blood sugar levels and parameters of sodium, potassium and creatine. Sodium and blood sugar fluctuations are very deadly for 70+ ages.
I have seen lot of people with Type 2 diabetes and even Type 1 and see most people, find it difficult to manage. Some people, even contact me about cancer at 3 or 4 stages. Early detection and prevention can increase survival chances.
If your parents have survived heart attacks in the past, just be careful, it may come again. Regular screening can help to avert or delay for years. I have seen many cases.
If you need any help about Diabetics diet, heart attacks post care, looking sodium and blood sugar levels, hospital care, learn about various health parameters, you can schedule to visit me, stay as long as you can and learn. Learn Tantra Yoga, and use it in emergency situations. Contact me on whatsapp.
I have few dedicated posts for senior citizens.
Longevity astrology, meetups and Tantra Yoga