Insurance and security in astrology:
I have seen lot of horror cases in my astrology career. I have even personally helped lot of people in preparing a repayment plan using astrology, get secondary source of income, help them in answering with insurance proceedings like life insurance, health insurance, car insurance, home insurance. I have first hand experience about this, and can answer any questions I know about this. We have lot of loyal followers, who bring us lot of referrals and I have waived off the consulting fees on many occasions, I feel appropriate.
Accidents, illness, death can strike anytime, and astrology can used as a tool to determine such trends. Such astrological charts should be neutralised and planets pacified using certain rituals. It is connected with past life karma. Sudden job loss and disease or illness can easily land you in debt. It is suggested to set aside 6 months of your monthly income as emergency fund for such occasions. Other factors are car breakdown, immediate house repairs and unexpected expenses, which can strike anytime.
Loans and debts in astrology:
People from all over world, have shared their experiences with me. I have even helped lot of people to go debt free, using astrology, by analysing what the mystic charts have to say. Most of them have lot of mortgage loans or home loans, car loans, personal loans, most important student loans and credit card debt. Pros and cons of when to have different kinds of insurance and coverage limit are also discussed. I have personally helped lot of people about insurance process. Even the money you owe to your family members and friends for personal use or business reasons are considered as debt. You may get these loans, without security or collateral, but chances are, it may spoil the relationships. Anything can be seen, using my mystic charts, instantly. Dealing with dangerous money lenders and loan sharks, threats, repossession, my astrology subscribers have shared all their experiences.
Bankruptcy in astrology:
Companies and individuals go bankrupt for a variety of reasons in astrology. The laws in different countries varies. The astrological chart can also show such trends and how to overcome them or not. Some bankruptcy problems are caused due to market conditions, negligience. Chapter 13 and Chapter 7 bankruptcy cases, I have heard a lot, and I have even prepared a repayment plan, using astrology, if my mystic charts support it. Most of my astrology followers, have overcomed such tough times, and leading a normal life. Even I can answer a lot of questions, about the process, after hearing lot of their experiences.
Diseases , accidents and illness in astrology:
Diseases, illness and accidents can strike anytime in human life. Such trends can be seen using my mystic charts or astrological charts method and any rituals should be done. I even suggest few insurance plans, with different riders (like health insurance + life insurance + critical illness riders) for such people. There is a maturity period, for few years for any untoward incidents happen during the policy period. I have personally seen diseases like cancer, kidney related, heart related problems due to age, liver diseases caused by excessive alcohol and smoking and permanent disability, caused due to accidents. Car and bike accidents, many people have shared their experiences with me. Astrology can be used as an indicator for what has to come. If you are a frequent traveller, a travel insurance can help you, in case of untoward incidents.
Another factors to look for are solar eclipse, lunar eclipse, enemies blackmagic and evil eye and other mysterious forces of nature. Astrology is a big topic, and we used be sure, we don’t annoy 5 elements of nature, gods or demigods, tantriks or shamans, or who are into black magic and dangerous enemies. If you have such enemy problems, my mystic charts can answer, such questions instantly. If interested, you can contact me for consultation.