Past life love pattern and astrology
Past life love will bounce back and come back to you, if love and relationship karma is strong in your chart. Just wait and watch! Otherwise it is wise to let it slip by.
I have prepared a small 3 min video, speaking about spirits magic. Pls have a look.
I am the person who believes in spirits, magic and mysticism. I have invoked such magical entities on various occasions. Now decided to create a post about this spirits and magic realm. I have also built a reliable pool or community of people online, who believe in spirits, magic and mysticism. A lot of my subscribers are requesting this for a long time. I always restricted such topics, using newsletter or email for my available pool of subscribers, whom we have good rapport with. ( we have lot of likeminded people from across the world, who are into spirits and magic. I believe in friendships and long term relationships.)
In my astrology pool of subscribers,whom I find good Karma and energy levels, aura, (selected people) I instantly analyse energy levels using my mystic chart, and if I find anything interesting and potential in mystic chart, I contact them and give information about these spirit realm. 90% of the time, these subscribers are very excited. It involves simple meditation and mystic exercises for certain minutes a day. You can also stop and do these exercises in certain days. Consistency matters a lot to improve the energy levels and aura of the body.
Other people with strong inclination to occult and astrology, approach me on daily basis. If I find them appropriate, after checking their energy levels using mystic art instantly, I will tell them, that they can proceed if interested. No compulsion! So far, we have only serious, determined and people with strong inclination to occult and astrology in the pool. I have also denied a lot of people, into mystic arts, due to conflicting energies, Karma not supporting and many other astrological factors. There is also a small fee, I charge for this, because we are playing with aura and energy levels.
I only consider people with certain skills, caliber, marketing talent or any other profession or talent, I find has lot of potential. Few exceptions also apply. You have to follow certain rules, avoid beverages and certain food, which conflicts with spirit energies. Remember, you are connecting with a magical energy source. So don’t do anything which annoys them.
So far these spirits and magic realm, have helped my clients to improve their aura and energy levels, love life, love, marriage, dating, popularity, increase reputation, attract a soulmate, spouse, promotions, change of job, new projects, hypnosis, shift in energy levels, in some cases speculation and small gambling wins, enemy problems, litigation, find a new home, office, get deals at cheap prices in pool. Each and every spirit energy is different. There are 1000s of such spirits, which I know. Some I have personally dealt directly. Some my network of astrology subscribers in the pool, have introduced it to me, about such magical entities and spirits of their respective countries.
My followers for spirits and magic realm are from India, Singapore, USA, Canada, UK and many selected European countries and certain countries in South East Asia. We carefully choose people, who have the highest odds and Karma for this. My mystic chart, instantly shows the energy levels of a person, the outcome of a particular situation and depending upon this info, I will decide to proceed or work with the person or not, if appropriate. Some people have strong inclination to occult and astrology, their Karma and all over the world, such people naturally find my website online and connect with me.
Its all about Karma and Kalachakra. My followers are obsessed with these terms. They could easily connect with the spirit and its energies.
These spirits are completely untapped and also friendly. It aligns with your energy levels, skills. Karma is very important for this. I need to analyse the energy levels of your chart. Still any determined person can tap this magic realm. Its somewhat magical.
These are hidden secrets of astrology and there are groups, individuals and likeminded people who believe in spirits and magic and they naturally connect with me. We are not interested in numbers. For any serious and determined person, channels of communication are kept open.
If Karma coincides, the spirit itself decides, if the timing is right and Kalachakra (wheel of time) is in your favour, you will naturally find about me or my website, my community, its members active worldwide in various walks of life working in different sectors, word of mouth referral network, you will naturally connect with me, the spirits and magic realm. Otherwise, not!
Spirits magic in astrology Video transcript: If you have listened to above video, you can skip this below article.
80% of people who approach me, are connected with spirit realm in one way or other. They may have 1 or 2 guradians and angels or spirits assisting them, helping them or protecting them from harm and also bringing them opportunities, name, fame, popularity in the background. Perhaps they don’t know.
Most of them have experienced their presence, their manifestation, but they don’t know exactly what it is. They are everywhere and can be invoked and summoned by any determined person. There are lot of friendly spirits in this world. Even you are watching this video, or landed on my blog post, there is some kind of co incidence.
Those people who contact me for astrology consultation, are connected with guardians, angels, spirits, animal spirits. So how can they help you? They always connect with your skills and caliber. Suppose you have high potential and believe you are fit for that job or profile or role, then I have observed in most of the cases it works like magic.
You put a request to the spirit. If you follow basic house rules well, spirits do respond, you may get the right job, a new opportunity matching your skills and caliber.
Love matters:
If you love someone and serious. But not sure, whether they have feelings for you. You can put a request to the spirit and follow simple house rules, spirits do respond. The person who, you are in love with may contact you, all of a sudden, some kind of strong feelings for you, some internal awakening and your crush or love may feel that, their destiny and luck is connected with you. You may receive a phone call, sms, whatsapp or direct in person meeting. It’s upto you to take to the next level.
Listen to the entire video for more info.
Mature topics
I get lot of requests from my astrology subscribers , on how to improve or cleanse their Karma?
So, with lot of requests, I have decided to write a post on it. Even Western followers from USA, European countries, Canada, UK are obsessed with Karma. To be frank, I only deal with people who believes in Karma and Kalachakra. The foundation of my astrology art.
I have heard this phrases many times, from my western subscribers in particular.
Love karma, career karma, gambling karma, relationships karma, instant karma, money karma, green thumb karma and many more words and phrases.
Karma increases the odds in any aspects of life, be it love, lovelife, career, relationships with authorities, gambling and speculation, recognition, promotion and more. I can clearly see this karma, with just a glimpse of natal chart.
If you don’t have natal or birth chart. No problem! Still we can understand how universe of nature and energy levels are acting on you. I will suggest few improvements you can make, certain rituals if appropriate, the frequency, the ideal time to do (free will, if you care for yourself and improving your karma and energy levels you should do this.)
Improve your Karma, work on the odds and you could feel magic in your life.
Frankly, there are birth chart, with very bad karma and lot of afflictions, inherited from past life, to be manifested in this life. For those charts, mandatory remedies should be done, with no compromise and I also have mystic arts to increase the odds and energy levels. Contact me directly for consultation if you are interested in meditation, mystic arts and winning spirits which possess certain range of magical abilities. However, such mystic exercises are only for the determined and there are few simple rules to follow to increase energy levels. within few minutes I can determine your energy levels, using mystic chart. Based on the information my chart gives, I will decide to proceed or not if appropriate. People are initiated into mystic arts and magic realm, based on case to case basis, by determing their energy levels using mystic art.
Each and every person on this earth is bound by karma and universal laws. The birth chart or natal chart is just the glimpse of one’s own karma, and how it unfolds and manifests in nature. The dasha or planetary system and sub periods shows the timing or manifestation of such karma. Karma causes up’s and down’s in life.
Your job, career, marriage, spouse, children, business, inheritance, promotion, celebrity status, name, fame, positions in government, popularity, property matters, the speculation, gambling, lottery wins, financial windfall, love life, problems in relationships, breakups, enemy problems, blackmagic, evil eye, fatal accidents, untimely death, deadly diseases, litigation is the manifestation of karmic energies in the chart.
I suggest my followers to work on Karma. Planetary periods like Rahu and Ketu show the peak karma effects in ones life (either good or bad placement in chart). You can only neutralise and dilute the bad effects to certain extent, not fully erase it, because it is the payback time for past life good and bad deeds.
Saturn and Mars are also the periods, when past life Karma (whether good or bad) will be at the peak. Few exceptions apply here. Also there are many school of thoughts in astrology. I have full faith in my system. Also other planets show the gains or reversals in life, depending upon the placement, nakshatras and houses they are placed in.
However, there are certain time tested methods to neutralise all bad effects, by timely intervention of astrological remedies. Each and every individual horoscope is different. You can have a consultation with me, to know which areas you need to do remedies, which areas you can do good.
My personal experiences with Solar and Lunar eclipses.
I have been observing this astrological phenomenon since 2011 for each following year. I could witness and feel, once there is a solar and lunar eclipse, there is a big change in global events, like a war, new threat, major accident or disaster, sanctions for a country, natural calamities triggered like earthquakes, cyclones, tsunami, floods, landslides and drought.
For individual cases, I have seen the bed ridden old people passing away or demise, just 5 to 7 days or soon after eclipse. This is the universe own way of snatching something from an individual or country. Also deadly accidents, litigation, untimely death, encounter with anti social elements, enemy problems, blackmagic and tantra attacks, evil eye showing full effect can be felt during solar and lunar eclipses.
Every year there are 2 or 3 solar and lunar eclipses.
Remedy to avert any untold incident: I personally suggest you to do a Rahu and Ketu pacification ritual (on solar and lunar eclipse days) on each members of family. You can book a ritual 2 days before Navagraha temple. If you have bed ridden aged persons at home, those with risky jobs, enemy problems, serious health setbacks, it is wise to do a Rahu/Ketu pacification ritual in advance. (it just costs $2 person in India for planet pacification ritual , in shared pool)
Even reciting Rahu and Ketu mantras, during solar eclipses period will be ideal, if there is no other alernative, or you live in a country where there is no temple or your circumstances restrict you to visit any navagraha temples.
For a detail picture or you need more information about your Karma, energy levels and mandatory remedies if any, you can schedule a consultation.
Karma magic astrology video transcript: If you have listened to the above video, you can skip this article below.
In astrology, if you are familiar with natal or birth chart, there are certain combinations,which gives natural energy and momentum which helps you in various aspects of life, be it career, job, marriage, love life whatever.
But I tell you, only 1 or 2% are very lucky and can take advantage of natural planetary alignment. 98% of people need some kind of occult help, tantra, spirits and planetary help to balance those lost energies to improve prospects in job, career, youth, beauty, attraction, foreign travel, settlement, marriage, dating, popularity, health, wealth and more.
Lack of awareness, ignorance is another factor. A good astrologer can help you give insights on all these, when those good time will come, when good astrological yogas, dhan yogas, gaja kesari yogas or any auspicious yogas will fructify.
I have seen certain charts, with high potential, but of no use because good yogas will only fructify after 60 or 70 years of age. I want all good yogas to fructify in the age of 20 to 50 to take advantage of youth and maximum effect. What it shows is what it shows.Universe operates on mysterious energies. Bad planetary alignment is another reason for problems in life. It is directly connected with your past life karma.
You must have done some misdeeds in the past life or some pending karma, which carries on this life as well. There are certain astrological remedies, which can dilute and neutralise this bad karma.
Please listen to this full video for more information.
Mature topics
Mystic horary summons a spirit and asks its permission, before asking any questions. This spirit has access to all records about you, your past, present and future. It works like magic for me and for my clients. My clients say its somewhat magical, like how this spirit gives answers for such questions, picks almost instantly. Years of practice have established a good rapport with this spirit.
I can instantly feel this invisible spirit energy and the connection is so strong and instant, so that I don’t need to do any deep meditation or any ritual. Establishing a bond with such intuitive spirit, will give you an edge in astrology practice. Also, there are questions which we can ask and which we are not permitted to ask. I just don’t want to annoy such magical spirit, which helps me in intuition. (Ex: Gambling, causing harm or malicious intent) Use it for the good of the world and this spirit can guide you the available options and choices.
After series of personal experiences and followup with my clients, whom we have good rapport with, admited that this invisible guardian is magical and mystical spirit. Even I don’t know from where it access answers after analysing pros and cons from all angles, but I believe in the spirit.
So,when my clients have any questions with multiple options like choosing a career, real estate purchase, second hand equipment purchase, cars, hiring best worker in the pool, picking the best choice of gadget among shortlisted items, dating, what not, the spirit directly aligns and sync with your energy and choose the best option for you, almost instantly. It always shows, what works best for you, available options if any in the pool. Also, Karmic energies play a major factor. You just need to provide me small description about the situation, the available choices, the spirit will show the best choice in the mystic chart.
This spirit has helped me and my clients, for decision making process, narrow down options, best deal and vendors and ultimately save ton of money. Real magic! It always use to amaze me. There are certain forces in universe which surpass everything. It is also similar to Akashic records.
There are also a lot of cases, where this mystical spirit communicated in the chart, to not pursue those options, and even denied all options and even asked the client to wait and watch and come after a month. Strange and mysterious ways. But universe and nature has a pattern.
Next is the Kalachakra. There is also a spirit and diety for kalachakra. If this spirit is on your side, you will achieve things in supernatural way, which otherwise takes years to acheive using conventional means. My astrology subscribers believe in Karma and Kalachakra. However, the profile, caliber, karma and energy levels of each and every person is different.
So the nature of questions can be
(give me a description about you, the courses and choices and spirit picks the best choice, in the pool instantly, because it knows a lot about you, what works best for you, than you know about yourself)
2. Which car/ equipment/ real estate I should buy? (Give me multiple options with a small description, and spirit picks the best choice for you in the available pool.
3. Renting home/office/godown/factory. Which is the ideal choice?
4. Even dating/marriage decision making questions like whether this relationship will work or not. Is this an ideal match or wait? I personally prefer to not answer certain questions. I just leave to universe and karma.
There are lot of questions. I have prepared a video for the same in the homepage. You can listen to it once. If you like this content, share if appropriate. Thanks. Help the community grow! I am building a pool of reliable subscribers.