Since january 2017, there was a surge on these kind of questions from my clients worldwide. Since Dec 2016 USA elections, there was some changes in immigration laws, visa policy , H1B and other kinds of visas worldwide.
Using my astrology art, I can predict visa, work permit, citizenship/residency permit cases. We can also help you to choose right degree/vocation/ higher studies suitable to your profile or career. Student visa/Investor visa/dependant visa and all kinds of visas.
Whether foreign settlement is on the cards for work/study and business purpose.
If you are the one, looking for green card, I can determine the odds using astrology. For those with no skills/experience/ qualifications there are certain methods to enter top countries legally. I can also detect them, using my astrology art. So there is hope! Let us analyse all the possibilities. You will get a description about the situation or a straight yes/no answers, depending upon what my horary chart says.
The universe or nature always show me, what works best for you, using horary chart. This can help in decision making process and see whether things are in your favour or not?
Note: Communication methods is through voice calls only, where you get instant answers in real time, and you can also clarify things there and then. We cannot support email for these kind of questions, at the moment.
Information needed from you to get started:
What kind of visa you are applying for? Did you apply before or first time? Your profession if any? Years of experience and company if any? Whether I will get visa or not this time? Any possibility? I will request my spirits, to sync with your energies and determine the outcome. (few minutes). You can then ask whatever questions you want, about this particular topic.
A lot of people worldwide, approach me for marriage, match making, dating, soulmate, choose the best compatibility in the pool of available options. A lot of my subscribers, requested me to write a post on this topic.
I have prepared 10 min video, speaking about marriage, psychology, luck and astrology factors.Pls have a look.
I have analysed 3000+ astrology charts in this area. I could see a clear pattern which determines mileage in marriage, birth chart not needed, I can instantly erect a mystic chart and determine this, within 5 minutes, how long this relationship will survive or breakup after marriage, divorce, issues after marriage, ego and arrogant issues, dowry, alimony, difficult to sync with in laws or too demanding, domestic violence, freedom compromised, imposed lot of restrictions say few months after marriage. It is wise, both the people discuss these aspects after marriage upfront, to avoid any issues or misunderstanding later. I can also help you on this, to determine the best odds. If you have multiple proposals in line, or just a specific proposal, we can have a look.
For those having difficulty to find a soulmate or love, I also have mystic exercises, by invoking a particular spirit, who has helped many in such matters. I don’t want to speak much about it, but you can contact me for consultation if appropriate. The Karma in your chart matters. I have seen many marriages, with lot of breakups and divorces in a row. Their natal or birth chart clearly shows me such pattern. They are high risk charts. I can also give you suggestions to improve that love karma , marriage and relationship karma with certain simple exercises, which can increase the aura and remove such blocks. We can determine the odds.
Don’t take chances. It is better to consult a good astrologer in your area, before initiating the final step.
I consider factors like matching and compatibility by universe, which is clearly shown in match making analysis. Next is their karma levels, what they have to tide through in this life, good and bad. Longevity of both spouses.
Also physical, emotional and psychological match is the key source of happiness and spark factor after marriage and mileage for the relationship. After having lot of experiences in this area, dealing with different people, I personally give them few suggestions and improvements if any.I give lot of consideration to this, and always choose the best in the pool, if you bring me multiple options or picks.
Marriage if done correctly with right astrological factors, will multiply luck or creates luck. I have personally seen many such cases, in my available pool of subscribers and happy with them. Seen their career improving in just 3 to 12 months, their business expanding and skyrocketing like never before, name, fame, popularity, more authority and favors from high authorities. Some luck exchange has happened and one spouse lucky chart, has saved the other. Also, if one spouse is having bad transition in life, the other lucky spouse chart, will neutralise and balance such energies. Everything in this universe is energy.
Also after the child birth, I have seen many instances of luck creation. Yes, children can bring luck to the couple. It is also a mystery of nature. I dont want to talk much. But I have seen major shift in energy levels, bond strengthened and more mature after having children. Career, luck changes after child birth.
Remember reverse is also true, if marriage is matched with wrong compatibility. I have also seen many marriages breaking after few months, just because one side is egoistic and arrogant, very difficult to control and handle. I have seen many marriages broken, due to two couples fighting with each other, like competing who is the best, who is earning more, he he. This is particularly common in IT industry, doctors and some notable professions. I have many such stories, and don’t want to mention here. Can give lot of examples during consultation, he he.
Dowry : Root of all evil
Dowry demands after marriage is increasing. . I have seen many pestering cases. There are many good people in this world, who don’t impose such demands. So a caution in this area. Instead go for the one who understands you, respect who you are, your skills, more than dowry. Odds of surviving such marriages are very low. Its a free will. If you are not comfortable with such customs, rampant in few parts of the world, it is wise to walk away from such proposals.
Blackmagic and evil eye:
Also, I believe blackmagic and evil eye destroying marriages. Yes, It is 100% possible. I could see a clear pattern in my mystic chart. Don’t annoy any holy men, tantrik, sacrilege, provoke any person who practices blackmagic or dark arts. I have personally seen lot of cases, and found worth mentioning. A spark is enough to turn everything upside down, and I have seen it taking a toll. Jealousy, envy is the major factor and this concerns worldwide, not limited to a particular country.
I believe marriage is an opportunity to understand each other problems, setbacks and work a way to fix the problems, not create problems or stir problems after marriage.
Manglik dosh and other compatibility mismatch: (few have it)
Manglik dosh is another one serious affliction in the house of mangalya. The marriages of such people are affected worldwide. I suggest a mandatory remedy for this, if you have it. Contact me directly for consultation, I will give you suggestions on how to neutralise this. Because each any every chart is different. Accidents, divorce, diseases, untimely death, ego and emotional outbursts after marriage are linked to this dosh. So please don’t take chances. Once mandatory remedy is done, you can lead normal life, with small remedies at certain time intervals here and there.
Also, there is lot about karma, for both spouses, which varies for person to person. Contact me directly for consultation and I could give a clear picture.
Psychology: (my new theory)
This is my own addition. Psychology of a spouse matters for happiness, content and understanding throughout their life. I have seen good marriages turning hostile, due to difference in views and opinions, their taste and mentality is different. I personally suggest my clients, to choose a spouse who matches and aligns with your qualities.
compatibility mismatch:
There is also a compatibility mismatch, which makes other spouse bed ridden and sick after marriage. I have advised not to proceed with such combination, because Karma matters and takes over after some time. There are certain forces of nature, which we have no control, despite any remedies. Strange are the workings of nature. There were some exceptional cases, which I found compatibility mismatch, they were deep in love cases and I personally suggest if the particular spouse can give you happiness, despite the universe doesn’t want to unite you, go for it. Let them live happily for a short period of time. After some time, Karma will take full effect and they are obliged to payback consequences of past life Karma, which I don’t want to discuss here. There are always charts in match making to neutralise your bad afflictions if any. You just need to keep looking, until a perfect match aligns in your way!
Divorce cases:
Those who are unfortunately divorced, by forces of nature not under our control, we have see the odds for future marriage and other possibilities. Many are doing well, after second marriage and living normal and happy and content. We can also see, if there is any possibility to fix the old marriage, even after divorce. There are odds, if Karma supports it. There may be small window of opportunity, but most of them just let it go. We can have a look, at this angle. Divorce is not the end of world, right? It is just a manifestation of some Karma, and the energy has to be diverted in some form. Some people, even have multiple divorces to be frank. Karma playing on them. We can see what are the available options in the pool, and see if there is someone who can still match you?
Extreme cases:
I have also seen many extreme cases, where mutiple marriage proposals are denied in a row or no marriage due to afflictions and curses in astrological chart, Karma, curses specific to family and lineage. Also problems after marriage and many series of divorces after marriage. We can determine the odds and see, what can be sone. You just need a boost in energy, work on the Karma, which is causing this, and things stabilise. There are certain simple exercises, which can increase the odds for marriage. Karma matters!
How to properly use matrimonial sites online? ( for people who believe in astrology and match making factors)
I get lot of these kind of questions, either from the parents looking for a match for their son or daughter and even from people actively searching for match in online matrimonial sites.
Most of the people waste a lot of time on matrimonial sites. They schedule a meeting with whomever they find fit, welcome them to their home, have a talk, and at the final stage, discovers that horoscope is not matching and decides to quit. It is a waste of time, energy and resources. I have seen people scheduling in person meeting with match for 20+ to 50+ and finally discovers horoscope not matching, if everything matching, they themselves find its not their kind and dodge the proposal.
I suggest to hide the phone number and email address, initiate chat through chat window only or inbuilt inbox or message system. If someone profile interests you and exactly matches, what you are looking for, ask for their date of birth, time and location, in case it is not displayed in the profile in advance. See whether the horoscopes are matching and also Karma is supporting. If yes, its upto you to schedule a meeting or introduce them to your parents and see, what they want to say.
Only schedule in person meeting, if the probability of matching the marriage is high.You can ask any concerns or few questions directly on phone and then schedule a meeting if appropriate. Just my views and opinion. I have seen lot of my astrology subscribers, who went through all these, and cannot leave this point. Marriage turned down at last minute, due to horoscope not matching and other reasons. Understand the psychology of person on phone, only schedule a meeting, if odds for fix are high. This way you will avoid wasting lot of time, energy and resources, for those proposals which will be denied at last minute.
How can an astrologer help you?
As soon as you find, few profiles interesting, their job, place, attitude, and other factors, you feel they physically, emotionally and psychologically can sync with you or you searching for son/daughter on their behalf, note down their date of birth, time and location. The more the profiles much better. I can analyse the match making factors, their Karma levels and pick the best in the available pool given to me. you can then make a direct contact with them, and proceed if appropriate. This way you can save lot of time and unnecessary frustation. There is always a match, which the universe aligns with you. (few exceptions)
My son or daughter is not interested in marriage? what can be done?
I get lot of these questions on daily basis. Nothing to worry. We could see the trends, their mood in the mystic charts instantly, whether they will change their mind or not. I have seen such persons changing their decision overnight, suddenly someone came in their life, they became mad in love and approached me. 1000+ such cases. Universe decides, when that should happen. If your son/daughter is above 30+ or 35+ age, some parents are just worried.
No matter, however adamant or reluctant they are, they have changed their views and changed their mind. (few exceptions).Otherwise just wait and give them the option to pick someone on their own, citing the terms if any. I have seen many people suddenly obsessed with a person, going to different city, different state, different country, travelling 1000 of miles to fix the marriage, requesting their guardians, if there is any possibility to match. People are different. If their guardians doesn’t agree despite requests, waiting and any suggestions for improvement in career and other fronts, its not worth the time. Just let it slip by, and keep looking! he he.
Infatuation is the common factor!
Fixing already divorced cases:
Karma matters a lot for fixing divorce cases. There are certain odds. I can see this trend in the mystic chart instantly as soon as you approach me. A small talk with both husband and wife can fix the marriage. I have seen happy reunion of already divorced cases, say after 3 years, 5 years. People feel for each other, realise they are losing some important element in life, and one spouse initiates a conversation abouts it. We also have mystic exercises, which increases the odds. But Karma is important to me. Some cases, just cannot be fixed. If my chart say “yes” and there is room for comeback and happy reunion, I will help you to initiate next steps. Otherwise no. Perhaps, a small spark is enough to fix everything.
You can share this link, to such people so that they can contact me for consultation, analyse the odds and then only proceed if appropriate. I can instantly determine the outcome.
Outcome: (saves you lot of time and avoid frustation)
But my mystic chart, can give instant answers for such questions. Depending upon the outcome, its upto you to make the move or not. Otherwise, it is just not worth the time. You can have a consultation with me, if you need a clear picture for such scenarios.
I can write a 100 pages book about this particular topic. I may update this post if appropriate. Please share this post, if appropriate.
I have also written an article about Mystic arts, for those having issues in marriage and relationships. You can have a look, and contact me for consultation if interested.
marriage matrimony astrologyfind astrological odds to fix divorce breakups using astrology
Dowry, alimony and harassment in astrology
Harassment factors in astrology:
There are many cases of harassment experienced by my astrology subscribers. It can be harassment for dowry, money, material possessions or assets after marriage. There are many astrology factors, which clearly shows harassment after marriage, and threats of divorce, intimidation, domestic violence or physical abuse and emotional abuse, which ruins the marriage. Harassment can be either from spouse or in laws. In most of the cases, this kind of harassment ends in divorce. Always see the pros and cons, psychology analysis before marriage. You can approach me for consultation in this regard. Bring 2 to 5 proposals, so that we can choose the best, which aligns with you, brings lot of joy and happiness.
Lost and found – find, trace, search or locate lost items, missing dogs and cats using astrology
Note: This post is archived for information purposes only. I mean not have the time to look after such cases due to the queue. So emails and calls, may not get replies.
Lost dogs or cats? Missing cats or dogs cases are very common. I could see lot of cases posted on social media like facebook and twitter. On average 1000s of cats, dogs, parrots, pigeon and other pets go missing worldwide on daily basis. The figure is much more. The guardians or loved ones are very desperate during such situations. They invest lot of money on flyers, newspapers, agencies, law authorities and more and what not. There is a big community of animal and wildlife admirers worldwide. I care for animals and wildlife too. They need a space on their own.
Even I get lost or missing cases of horses, exotic animals and pets. Spirits have radar like vision and instantly connect with the object. They work on different planes and frequencies.
I can understand, how much the owner is depressed once they lose their pets like cats or dogs or any animals, birds just missing for some minutes. You can contact me for the same, I can analyse the situation and give insights.
Make sure, you provide information such as pets last seen or spotted, enquire with the neighborhood, look the places they hangout too often, inform authorities if possible. Then you can contact me. I will do my best to help you, using astrology. Skype id: mailharsha08
We support email too.
******************** I have lost an object or item. Can you help me? (most common request, I hear on daily basis)
Lost your favorite item, articles, ring, necklace, chain,keys, car, bike, pets. I can help you using astrology and spirits help. Instant answers. High chances they can be misplaced or even theft or stolen. Any stolen goods can be detected by spirits and horary astrology help. In some cases, nothing much can be done about it. It is already transferred or passed on to someone. Lost objects or items can be anything of commercial value or sentimental value, connected with object. Gold jewellery, diamonds, wedding ring, laptop, phones, smartphones, gadgets, wallet, purse, money, debit or credit cards, currency, dollar bills, gold or silver coins, amulets, bracelet, ear rings, special protection lucky charms,even designer or trending and flashy clothes, shoes, vehicles, luggages or suitcases, important documents, and many security cameras, house decoration addons, idols, antique and vintage items or any handmade handicrafts or articles are common list of lost objects and items, I get on daily basis. Even stolen goods and theft can be determined using horary astrology and spirits help.
Mobile phone or smartphone thefts (android, apple ios and other high end mobiles), laptops, cash, jewellery, credit or debit cards theft, misplaced or luggage or personal goods stolen during travel are very common.
find or locate stolen goods, items and theft using horary astrology l burglary robbery mugging extortion using vedic astrology
Note: Information required from you to get started:
A small description about the animal, the city/state/country, where animal is last seen, did you make any enquiries/searches or contacting me, as soon as you lost contact with them. Since how long the animal is missing? (Ex: just now, 5 hours, 3 days, 2 weeks, 2 months or 1 year) Did you approach law authorities or not? A photo of the animal, will be ideal. (optional). This will help my spirits, to easily detect the animal and sync with their energies.
Note: In case of lost objects or items, replace animal with <lost object> I have seen many miracles in my career, that is the lost object itself magnifies to the owner, once a spirit energy is invoked. Misplaced items and if you don’t remember it, it manifests in some form. Karma matters for this. But in cases of theft and robbery or stolen scenarios, nothing much can be done about it.
find or locate lost or missing articles items or misplaced money, purse, wallet, debit or credit cards, cars, bikes, motorcycle, jewellery or gold silver chain, documents, keys, files using horary astrology
Missing person –find, trace, search or locate lost or missing person using astrology
Note: This post is archived for information purposes only. I mean not have the time to look after such cases due to the queue. So emails and calls, may not get replies.
Missing person: Everyday 1000’s of people are missing worldwide. I can help you to trace or locate missing person. I will do my best to help you. No obligations!! Make sure you give information such as person last seen or found, enquire the neighborhood and contact authorities if appropriate.
Contact me asap, so that I can do an analysis, before situation goes out of hand. No obligations!!
Skype id: mailharsha08
We support email too.
Get clues about missing person, using horary astrology and spirits. So the possibilities are alive, dead, wounded, captured, lost in forest or woods, under captive, drugged, mugged or worse. Even cases of abduction, kidnapping, ransom cannot be ruled out. Some people are just unpredictable and aggressive, and just disappear without informing their loves ones. They must have done this many times in the past. Whatever, my spirits have radar like vision and can give clues, where he can be right now. Old people and children are the most common missing cases.
Missing person cases are very common. I could see lot of cases posted on social media like facebook and twitter. On average 1000s of people go missing worldwide on daily basis. The figure is much more. The guardians or loved ones are very desperate during such situations. They invest lot of money on flyers, newspapers, agencies, law authorities and more and what not.
My astrology art, can give an insight of the situation and guides you, what can be done during such tough situations.(stressful situations) Most of the times, the person in question will do come back soon, without any afflictions. But its good to analyse the same.
Sometimes the missing person can be found, after lot of efforts in searching, like lost in the woods during hikes or worse. Whatever, I can give insights about the situation, if you can contact me soon, before it is too late.
Most of the common missing person or lost cases can be father, mother, brother, sister, children, husband, wife, grandfather, grandmother, cousin, close relative, friend or neighbor. Children under 18 and adults above 60+ are most common missing person cases.
Share this on all social media, whatsapp and other platforms. Thanks.
Note: Information required from you to get started:
A small description about the person, the city/state/country, where he/she is last seen, did you make any enquiries/searches or contacting me, as soon as you lost contact with them. Since how long he/she is missing? (Ex: just now, 5 hours, 3 days, 2 weeks, 2 months or 1 year) Did you approach law authorities or not? A photo of the person, will be ideal. (optional). This will help my spirits, to easily detect the person and sync with their energies.
Do you know, a lot of my subscribers who contact me for astrology readings are directly connected with spiritworld or spirit realm. They find us naturally on google search for certain phrases or search terms. It is an co incidence. We are connected in one way or the other. This is the exact subscriber pool, I am looking for. Later they bring me lot of referrals, contacts and likeminded people in the pool. 70% of the traffic I get is referral traffic from these loyal subscribers. I too waive off consulting fees on many occasions for them, because they are spreading the word out on my behalf, they discuss about me and my website with their friends, colleagues, family members, social circles, relatives, company, in parties or any ideal social setting it is appropriate.
Most of my subscribers have atleast 1 or 2 or more guardians, they can invoke, summon or call them in times of need, honour them, thank them and always be grateful for future relationships and meetings. They operate on different frequencies and planes. Not all can summon or invoke them.
There are certain house rules and basic rules to follow. My subscribers share their experiences with different guardians, angels, spirits across globe. I am also in good terms in lot of shamans worldwide and we do exchange information if appropriate on voice calls and video calls. I personally believe karma is very important in the natal or birth chart to manifest certain events. Natural planetary energy is what I look for. But unfortunately 98% of people lack such natural planetary strength or alignment, and they need some kind of astrology, occult help. Spirits, guardians and angels are most favored here, because they are there for a long time.
The topic of guardians, angels and spirits always excites and amazes my loyal pool of subscribers. It’s like you have a true friend or companion, who can help you in many aspects of life, be it love, love life, relationships, find a soulmate, marriage, dating, attract certain people, get a business deal, new opportunities, connections, new job, promotion in career. We always put a request to this spirits and they consider, if they find appropriate. We just can’t misuse or abuse their magical abilities.
I have seen this spirits and guardians presence doing wonders for those connected with any kind of marketing industry, anchors, writers, businessman, industralist, politician, any person with good caliber wants to get that entry level opportunity. This spirits and guardians are connected with most of my subscribers naturally, say by tradition or ancestory but they never felt their presence felt, due to their conflict in thoughts of spirits or their own actions, which may have annoyed spirits. Remember some spirits are very powerful and can change your life, your aura, chakras and energy levels, sudden growth in career, fame, popularity, financial windfall, new skill opening new ways of financial opportunities, a new connection or authority figure who decides to be your mentor and helps you and aligns you and introduces you with right people.
My subscribers have gone through all these experiences. For newcomers, an astrology consultation is very important to determine this. I have good relationship with shamans or magicians of south east asia, europe, India and USA and most of them do share their experiences with me.
If you have a marketing talent or potential spirits help works wonders, That is what I look for. Not all are compatible for seeking spirits help, because different spirits have different house rules like your character or behavior is important to them, food or diet habits like no alcohol, avoiding certain non veg food (some spirits are okay with eggs, fish and chicken in moderation), bathing, hygiene, consistency in meditation, concentrating on their sigil and altar when meditating, pronouncing their invocation vibes with right frequency, avoiding certain objects or animal antiques, like all kinds of leather, tusks, tiger or any animal teeth, any amulet or talisman containing animal fats.
Any determines person who can please them through simple exercises and meditation, can tap their energies and vibes. Each and every spirit and guardian is different. Some are very down to earth and always looking to help people with opportunities, aligned with your energy and profession.
Some of my subscribers, got into contact with this guardians, spirits and angels, during accidents, which miraculously saved them, by just uttering their word or calling their name, some kind of near death experience and later how it changed their life, their luck changed from then on. We have no complete control these spirits. Once they decide to help someone, they go out of their ways and do it in novel way, which is otherwise not possible through conventional methods.
I personally have lot of experiences in animal spirits and many kinds. I have put a request to them, for some aspects of my life, and they have responded very well. I always used to thank them, and keep the rapport for future relationships. Some people get connected with these spirits, feel their vibes and energies and ultimately annoy and irritate these spirits, using their own actions, and spirits decide not to come again, no matter how hard they try.
It is important to know, the house rules for each spirit, how not to annoy them, how to thank them and build a good rapport and consistency. It is like you having another reliable friend, with lot of magical abilities and opportunities, he brings in your way. You should also be realistic. in what you ask for. Don’t ask for lottery or financial windfall, celebrity or hypnotising someone.
If you are interested to connect with spirit realm, yo can contact me for astrology reading through email, and I need to analyse your energy levels using mystic charts instantly.
So how do you choose people for mystic charts? (Spirits, guardians initiation)
A lot of people from different walks of life, contact me on daily basis for astrology readings or consultation. They are regular guy like you, or your neighbor next door, who want to know what destiny has in store for them. If you want to know the exact pool of people, who contact me for astrology readings, their problems and how we mediate on different issues, then read this.
I find a high potential chart here and there, some have strong yogas for politics, some are destined to become an industrialist or businessmen, a natural actor, actress, artists, popular figure and so on. 2% of have natural planetary energy in their chart, and right decision and timing during astrological period can help them to achieve their aspirations. It’s their free will to follow as per astrological chart or not.If the astrology chart says that, you will become an actor, a minister, a businessman, doesn’t mean that you should be the one. It will create natural alignment, opportunities, connections, situations in your favour, for that particular window of opportunity. It is upto you to tap it or not for follow lifepath as per horoscope. Timing is very important for this, and you need help of astrologer, if you are serious.
But 98% of them, need some kind of occult and astrological help, be it rituals, seeking spirits and guardians help, luck exchange, partnership and so on. I calculate how the energy levels are working for such people, using mystic charts instantly. If my chart shows, spirits can help in this regard, we initiate mystic arts. Otherwise, I say no. Go through this link, to know more about mystic arts and spirits initiation.
However, I don’t consider most of them and reject most of the requests, because I could instantly sense their character and behavior, their actions which may annoy spirits anyway and creates conflict of spirits beliefs. There are basic house rules to follow, which I have described in the beginning of this post. If they are still serious, we will consider depending on various metrics and parameters as per mystic charts. It clearly shows me the outcome for most of the situations instantly.
I have prepared 10 min video, speaking about guardians, angels, spirits, animal spirits in astrology. Pls have a look.
Black magic, evil eye, witchcraft, voodoo and astrology factors:
Astrology consulting is not complete, without black magic and evil eye. People may also call it as witchcraft, voodoo, sorcery in different countries. Black magic exists since ancient times. Jealousy, envy of other possessions and happiness, competition, ruin someone name and reputation are the main factors for black magic. I can instantly determine black magic and evil eye using mystic charts and horary astrology. There is a clear pattern.
Most of the time, it is someone who know very well, be it a relative, neighbor, close friend, ex lover, spouse due to divorce and breakups, competitors who want unfair advantage, by getting rid of you or tarnishing your reputation. I get lot of cases, connected with black magic and evil eye on daily basis. A lot of evil exists in this world.
I have certain suggestions, through my personal experience and clients experiences. (to those affected by black magic and evil eye)
1. Never make unnecessary enemies. Be polite, don’t be rude or belittle others, their looks, profession. Sometimes, you make enemies, due to factors beyond your control, despite you being good with others. Some people get jealous about your job, income, lifestyle, possessions, happiness, martial life and other luxuries, life gives you.
2. Never flaunt or talk about your possessions like cash, jewelry, cars, properties, job, vacations in front of such people. I know it seems hard, but universe is all about energies. The less eyesore on you and your possessions, there will be no reversals.
3. Keep some secrets to yourself and within the family. Don’t disclose everything about your job, income, planning any vacations, going to marry that particular person, making deals, tenders and contracts. Only talk about such matters, when appropriate. It’s natural you can’t hide certain things or confidential information for too long or your enemies will get to know such information anyway later, but your interests will be protected most of the times.
4. Avoid talking about your lifestyle, your house, cars, vacations, spouse, ex friends, boyfriend, girlfriend on social media like facebook, twitter, instagram and other platforms. This is where, 70% of people receive unwanted attention from strangers as it pops up in their newsfeed or timeline.
I have seen many on my subscribers in good job positions, losing jobs all of a sudden, fired, laid off, office politics at peak, conspiracy, betrayal, company went out of projects and funds. Any sector, industries, your experience be it entry level, mid term or veteran managers are affected. Even I was surprised due to this trends. Even there are many cases of sexual harrassment and false allegations, conspiracy and many cases, which cannot be mentioned in this blog post.
Blackmagic and evil eye, also affects your married or martial life, breakups, divorce cases, misunderstandings, bickering about each other are very common. Everything was fine, with this couple for few months after marriage and even upto 1 year, suddenly things turned upside down. One of the spouse, got attracted to someone, extra martial affairs, fit of rage and anger and started abusing the spouse, including domestic violence or physical harm. Some even just abaondon their spouse, say after 2 years, with 2 kids. Many horror cases, I have seen in my career. It is better to do an analysis of such person before marriage. I have cautioned and warned many of my subscribers about such people, they are madly or deeply in love with.
Some distanced marriage option and stayed as friends. Others went away with marriage anyway, after few months relationships turned sour and turned to breakups, divorce and worse.
To be frank some women are even attracted to criminals, anti social elements, drug addicts and I warn such women, but some never listen. Ultimately they pay a heavy price and invite unneccessary grief and sorrow. Astrology, mystic charts and spirits vision can be used as a leverage, about what has to come, how to avoid certain things or neutralise if possible and find path to happiness. I always advise my loyal subscribers, always love or marry someone, who has strong or true natural feelings for you and such relationships or match last longer. There will be lot of love and understanding in such relationships. Natural energy is what I look for.
For people with unpredictable behavior, their nakshatra or energy levels doesn’t sync with you, I mean rude behavior,anger and some serious tell tale signs, you just keep a distance or stay as friends. For these people, a small black magic, done by some jealous people can easily cause breakups, divorce, extra martial affairs, lost interest or passion in you and ultimately abandon you. I have seen many cases of blackmagic and evil eye, which can easily destroy a relationship and marriage. In western countries, people use witchcraft, sorcery and voodoo to destroy some marriage and relationships. There are different methods. Never make enemies with such people who practise blackmagic in first place. It may be your close friend, relatives, neighbor or some nasty stranger who doesn’t like others to have a nice time. Unfortunately such people exist everywhere.
After sometime such relationships will fade away and they will be attracted to someone and life goes on. Then they come back to me, for astrology consultation, and I tell them, that I warned about all these things in advance. They just took it for granted and allowed it to happen. In astrology, certain warnings are a protection. If you yourself initiate a divorce for small petty issues or misunderstanding, which can easily be fixed by a small talk and the other spouse is ever willing to listen and fix things and correct anything, despite strong feelings and love for you. You are creating a bad yoga here, even though you don’t have divorce yogas in your chart.
Travellers fear black magic and evil eye: (indirect enemies)
There are few of my loyal astrology subscribers,who do travel a lot, both domestic and international destinations for business and personal purposes or leisure and vacations. Some even have to pass through shady and short route which has problems with thieves, bandits, robbery or worse. They always discuss such issues with me, and I initiate spirits help for protection. Cases like extortion, money, laptops and possessions stolen are very common. Blackmagic and evil eye has a role to play in it. Even in your astrological chart, if there is any encounter with anti social elements, then you need to take precautions. There are certain rituals in astrology, to neutralise such incidents. Avoiding travels on certain days, avoiding night travels, escorting with a local can completely avert such incidents. We can have a talk about it during consultation. If you have an enemy who wants to trouble or harm you, can also be seen using mystic charts. Spirits have crystal ball like vision, and can analyse things in all angles.
Enemy problems and blackmagic:
Everybody has enemies.No matter how good you are, some just want to belittle you or annoy you through their actions or behavior. Envy and jealousy is the common factor, in most of the cases, I get. Enemy problems are very common. It can be seen through natal chart in astrology or using mystic charts for clear picture. Some people or enemies are just insecure, and they can’t digest others success, despite their hardships, efforts and overcoming all odds. If they can’t get it, others too should not get any opportunities. I get lot of cases, with people facing enemy problems on daily basis. Enemy problems are part of life for many, and overcoming them is the key. Astrology can give a clear picture. We need a small description, about them if possible.
They way even turn to black magic, cast evil eye, or seek services of shaman, sorcerer to limit you or block your progress. In that case, if your aura is strong, you can overcome such tantra attacks or it will drain all your energy completely. I have personally seen many cases. So what are the astrological factors for enemy problems? I have another method, you just say me their name or suspect, and I can instantly answer such questions within 3 minutes, using spirits. Spirits can sense their energies, connect with them, feel their vibes and instantly give answers. (Photo is optional)
There is a different approach to deal with them. If you have serious enemies problems and blackmagic done by them, we can have a talk.
Enemies can be rivals or business competitors, strangers you have just met but hostile for no reason, relatives, neighbors, in laws, own siblings, school bully, college enemies, workplace enemies like colleagues and someone behaving nasty, you find someone nasty or very intimidating when commuting to work, jealous and envious person about your career, possessions, looks and social circle. Some third party or malicious forces interfering in your relationships, marriage or any person who creates an atmosphere of hostility or uneasiness.
The worst these enemies do blackmagic or seek the services of black magicians, who invoke evil spirits and other dark forces to cause unnecessary trouble, obstacles in your way. I get lot of horror cases on daily basis. Enemies blackmagic can cause accidents, loss or job or laid off, financial issues,deadly diseases, debts, car or vehicles breakdown, electrical appliances behaving strangely, litigation or court cases, attack by animals or reptiles, danger due to fire elements of nature like fire, water, sky, earth, air (most black magic turn panchabhutas against you), paranormal attacks like someone shouting at you (only you can ear it), sleep paralysis (feel like some entity sitting on you, pulling you and strange marks on body), destroy the beauty and looks, unexpected vehicle and house expenses, which need immediate repairs, sudden issues with management and government or law authorities. Worse, there are dangerous spells, which enemies do with animal sacrifices and appeasing evil entities like witchcraft, sorcery, voodoo.
Atheists, have no chance. They just suffer. No god or spirits will come to their aid. But for a god believer, and one who worships gods, spirits and visits holy places regularly with strong roots and beliefs, it is bit difficult to harm them. Their guardian, gods and spirits, family deity will create a protective shield or aura and protects them from such evil forces. These guardians may even reverse the spell on doer, which backfires against the enemy. There are lot of magic and black magic hidden in tantra. Tantra also has solutions to all aspects of human life.
Worse enemies may also try gossip or bad mouthing, slander, defamation. They may also try to belittle or insult you in any social occasions through their words or behavior. Stay away from these people. Everybody has enemies in one way or other in this earth. In fact, enemies are a part of human life.
Blackmagic and evil eye:
Black magic and evil eye problems are very common. Every cultures in the world have experienced it and it is connected with their strong beliefs and superstitions on how to overcome them. My mystic charts and spirits, can clearly give answers about evil eye and blackmagic questions instantly. I get lot of cases, with people afflicted by evil eye and black magic and it drains away your luck, resources completely. If you suspect some evil eye and black magic is done on you, by known or unknown enemies, my spirits can sense energies and instantly give yes or no answers and many more insights and their intent.
Black magic is rampant across globe. It is not limited to just one country. Some people are naturally jealous and envy of others, their success or they just don’t like you for no reason. Such people exist everywhere. They seek services of black magicians, to limit you, send obstacles in your way. Your marriage will be ruined, accident, struck by a disease, litigation, loss in business with no scientific reason and things went wrong, all of a sudden and you will also experience lot of paranormal experiences. (many weird and horror stories)
Evil eye problems (Spell casting by tantriks, shamans, black magicians , witch craft, sorcers, voodoo. people call them in different terms in certain countries.)
Everything in this universe is energy. There are good and white energies. Dark energies, appeasing evil entities by certain tribes do exist. If your aura is good, and protected by a guardian or spirit or family deity, it can’t do any harm. For atheists, they have no chance, they just suffer and don’t even understand what’s going on, due to their arrogance.
Ex: Someone may cast a evil eye on your beauty, and suddenly pimples, blemishes and skin complexion may change. Your new car, may meet with an accident or breakdown or a small tent on surface. Sudden loss of job, laid off, unexpected medical expenses and home repairs are forms of evil eye. There are certain astrological remedies to overcome them.
Gossip, slander, defamation are other forms of evil eye energies manifested directly. Evil eye can also destroy a kingdom. In the olden days, kings used to fear evil eye and they just used to do rituals to ward off evil eye on their possessions. Some people become suddenly sick or bed ridden or get into some kind of domestic accident at home, for no scientific reason. Those are evil eye energies, cast at you. My spirits, can instantly give answers about those astrological questions, if you give small description.
Note: If you have any problems with enemies, my mystic charts can give a clear picture, about their nature, psychology. Just provide a small description about them, their names or photo (optional) and we can tell, what are their intentions and what they think about you. We can analyse all enemies. A voice call on whatsapp/skype/phone after consultation, we can give answers instantly.
Astrological factors for politics, politicians, ministers, presidents:
A lot of my subscribers are active, directly or indirectly connected with politics, depending on which political party rules the government. I mean some are MLA, MP, different ministers in cabinet. People from different walks of life after working in some government job, service based professions, businessman, and even celebrities approach me, for consultation to see whether their astrology chart is compatible for politics, upto what level they can reach, whether they will win elections be it parliament elections, assembly elections, local, panchayath, municipality and corporation level elections to fill certain positions.
Ruling government influences many industries and sectors:
Even certain business, industries, pharma companies, small time traders life are influenced by which political party rules the nation in coming elections. Some even ask me about bypoll elections, due to demise of elected representative, elevation of elected members to other responsibilities and roles, leaving a position for MP, MLA vacant. For a country like India, this trends of elections, keep on coming every 3 months, I mean assembly elections, bypolls which makes astrology and analysing outcome interesting for my astrology subscribers. Elections may be different in different countries. In America, we have democrats and republicans and other political parties. I also keep a close watch on election trends of USA,UK, India in particular and many other countries
In India alone, there are different kind of elections, like parliamentary elections, assembly elections, local body polls, municipality, corporation, panchayath level elections. MLA’s and MP’s from all over India, consult me to know the outcome and odds. Astrologically there are certain yogas, for entry and smooth sailing in politics or political career. Some reach great heights, a popular public figure, through their schemes and work.
So what are the astrological factors for career in politics?
The position of Sun, saturn, rahu are the planets which play a key role for a career or natural alignment in politics. For such people, opportunities, circumstances and situations to get into politics comes naturally. Opportunities do pop up, and it is their free will to enter politics or not. Having strong yogas for politics, doesn;t mean that you should get into politics. When the time is ripe, opportunities do come in many forms. Timing also matters for this. You miss the timing, sometimes, the situations or circumstances for entry in politics, may not be favorable as before. An astrologer can analyse the chart and determine, any possibility for politics, the odds, if yes, the timing to get initiated and more. Planetary promise in natal chart and natural alignment is what I look for.
Spirits, rituals and guardians can help: (analysis important):
There are certain rituals, spirits help which can help you to get into politics. But don’t be too excited. We need to analyse the karma, energy levels and aura using astrology and spirits help. An astrology consultation or reading is mandatory. I can instantly determine the outcome, and answer any questions in this regard. Spirits have crystal ball like vision and can feel the vibes, upto what level you can reach, or politics just not suitable for you instantly. What it shows is what it shows. Politics or political career is not for everyone. However, rituals and spirits help can increase the odds, if you don’t have planetary alignment in the natal or birth chart.
Sudden rise in politics, popularity and fame:
This is an interesting astrological phenomenon. We have analysed a lot of astrology charts of top political personalities in the world. But I don’t need any astrology or natal chart for this. Just ask the spirits and within few minutes, it will feel the vibes, which is going to happen after few months or years ahead and give me the outcome. We also have mystic charts, where I will erect a chart and calculate the outcome, odds and do the analysis. Some politicians have natural aura and charisma, no matter their profession or inclination. Political opportunities will come seeking for them once or many times in their lifetime. There are lot of astrological factors and I can’t disclose all the astrology factors here. Each and every chart is different. It is better to consult an astrologer in this regard.
Houses and planets responsible for politics or political career:
There are many astrological factors for political career and I can’t discuss all in this blog post. But, I will discuss a few. Sun in 10th house will create natural opportunities for politics, when the dasha or period is active. However, free will matters and it is upto you to get into politics or not. Universe is a play of mysterious energies and forces of nature. It also means that, your family member is connected or associated with politics and opportunities come naturally. Not all are so lucky!
Saturn in certain houses, mutual aspects indicates a choice for political career. Sudden rise in politics, name, fame and popularity are also related to saturn role in politics. When this planetary period or sub period is active, such energies will be at the peak. However, each and every horoscope is different and you have to be pro active to make the most of opportunities, the planets throw at you. However, I have seen lot of astrology charts, they have just missed such opportunities, because nobody told them, or they never consulted an astrologer in this regard. So whether those political alignment comes back or not, totally depends upon your natal or birth chart. Rituals and spirits help are an exception. But we need to check how natural energies are working for you, the aura and chakra levels for this. I can determine this instantly using mystic charts. Rahu in certain houses, degrees and conjunction, gives sudden promotion or elevation, unexpected victory depending upon the placement in natal or birth chart, and when its period or sub period is functional. However political reversals is also true. You need to do pacification rituals in that situation or in the worst scenario, quit politics. Strange are the ways of planets, stars and forces of nature. Note: If you plans to get into politics, or want to know any possibilities and odds, I can do the analysis and answer all the questions in this regard. It can also be becoming a corporator, MP, MLA, Speaker, Rajya sabha or Lok sabha member whatever, minister, president, and other polls like bypolls, local body polls, muncipality, corporation, wards and panchayath level elections, we can help you to determine the odds and outcome. The result may also be negative or positive. What it shows is what it shows. Elections can be of any type or any country in the world. I just need a list of contenders, political party and any basic information to get started. Do you want to become MP, MLA, corporator, counsellor, collector, chief minister, governor, speaker, prime minister and need elections reports, results or outcome? Fame and popularity? I have instant answers.
The astrological combinations doe corporator, counsellor and district collector and other roles or responsibilities are not discussed in detail here. But you can contact me for consultation for the same.
Hollywood, Bollywood, celebrities, film industry astrological factors:
A lot of my subscribers and loyal readers, are asking for astrology factors for celebrities, bollywood, hollywood, various popular film industry in world. There should be strong karma and astrological promise in the natal or birth chart. There are multiple astrological factors for this and I prefer not to mention for alignment and to get connected with Bollywood, Hollywood and other popular film industries. Connections do matter in real world. Talent and good looks, special skills, charm also carries maximum importance in astrology.
If you don’t have birth chart, I can instantly determine the trends using mystic horary charts and even ask directly to spirits, which have crystal ball like vision. Universe is a play of energies. It is all about odds and most of the time, the odds and timing may not be in your favour. Don’t be disappointed, if you get a negative response from spirits. Of course, what it shows is what it shows. If you want to give a try, irrespective of the outcome, get in. Otherwise, it is better to leave as it is. If the odds are very good, as per my astrology chart and spirits response, I will ask you to step into the film industry. Otherwise, no.
There are certain rituals, invoking certain spirits, summon guardians, gods and demigods which do help. For this, I need to check this with mystic charts. The natural energies in your birth or natal chart works like magic, if you have film industry alignment and yogas for Bollywood, Hollywood, TV serials, actors and actress specific roles and brand advertisements. You just need to create a footprint and then next opportunities pop up naturally. Even reality shows, the popularity, name and fame, becoming an anchor, news reader, respected reporter or journalist, sudden surge in popularity and astrological factors can be determined.
The spirits will also say whether film industry like Hollywood, bollywood and others is out of your league and don’t be too much carried away by it. Because to be frank most of my subscribers aspire to be a celebrity, a popular actor, an actress, even child artist and specific roles for children, people or parents do ask any such media or film industry possibilities for their kid or children. I ask for photo of the kid and specific details and request my spirits to feel the vibes and any possibility to align with this industry? Spirits can give instant answers within minutes. I may also ask for any specific skills, hobbies, and certain specific questions, before asking the spirits. Even mystic charts can show the trends and astrological factors very clearly. What is shows is what it shows.
If there are any suggestions and improvements, I will say that. If it needs a specific meditation to connect with spirits (optional) I may also say this. See, only few possess natural alignment and astrological yogas for hollywood, bollywood and film industry, modelling world, media tycoon and so on. But majority, of them need some vibes and specific energies for required momentum to connect with film industry. Opportunities may come in many form. Somebody may have seen your performance in college, youtube, modelling or an audition, you were organizing an event or promoting a brand in shopping malls and got spotted.
Astrology, mystic arts and meditation can increase such opportunities and aligns what suits for you. We have certain meditation and mystic exercises for the same. I see their karma, how energy levels are working for a person using mystic charts instantly, also their aura and chakra levels. Once these chakras are polarised and certain blocks removed, it creates room for new opportunities on the horizon.
Confidence on camera, public speaking, soft skills, dressing, communication, any specific life skills matters a lot or it helps to stand out. A general suggestion is to improve this front.
Most of my astrology subscribers are connected with film industry, some small time models, artists, doing side roles and roles in TV serials, brand advertisements. Some celebrities, actors and actress who approach me, don’t want me to talk about them.
If you any exceptional talent or skills, have good communication, natural good looks and want to know the odds to connect with Hollywood, bollywood and any other film industry and various other media outlets or similar professions like agency, consultancy, event management, modelling, I can have a look how karma, energy levels are working for you, can we summon or invoke spirits help if odds are good.
Career in bollywood, hollywood and film industry:
Many people also contact me, if they can build a career in bollywood, hollywood or popular film industry like film director, photography, cameraman, television, film or video producer, film and audio video editing, makeup assistant, runner, lighting technician, location manager, sound technician, program researcher, script writer, hair and makeup artists and similar jobs. These jobs can be freelancer based, part time or full time. The key is to get into the industry and build good rapport and good connections. Then new opportunities, may pop up, depending upon your luck and many other external factors. A career in film industry is considered a dream job and fancy job for many. I do get many astrology questions in this regard, during consultation. Most of the people are happy to get a specific side role in film, TV serials, documentary, short films and auditions. It helps them stand out.
Spirits can sense your vibes and energies and gives instant answers. Sometimes, it is a big no. It may also give suggestions and room for improvements if any. A consultation is mandatory to analyse all the odds. I may not deal with certain people though, who may not align with our beliefs though. But most of the people are happy to give a try, irrespective of the outcome. This astrology consultation is for them. Most of them are already working in service based industry, like IT, BPO, banking, finance, construction, oil and gas, retail shops, air hostess, CEO’s, managers, directors, even big businessman, industralists, parents who want their children to get into film industry, also contact me for the same. A lot has to do with luck, karma and energy levels. But 99% of people lack that alignment in horoscope and astrology chart. But spirits help are an exception.
Note: Some people have strong astrological factors or yogas for bollywood, hollywood and film industry, but doesn’t get into the industry. It is free will. But 99% of them, need some kind of astrological help to improve the energy levels and odds. For some people, it is just outside the league. But it is worth giving a try, if odds are good. Otherwise, no.
I have discussed about my daily activities here and how my subscribers are using my astrology method to improve their life, career, company, business, make deals and profits.Learn mystic arts, connect with spirits and simple exercises to improve their chakra and energy levels. Must read!!
So, many people were asking me, what do you do on daily basis? How does a day in your life looks like? Who are your astrology customers? (their profile) Which countries do they come from? What kind of problems do they have? What are their belief systems?
I mean, I get lot of emails from my loyal subscribers. The reason, I am running this website is that, I discovered the high engagement rate of my subscribers. If you speak with them, and establish some kind of rapport and relationship, they may speak everything about them, their problems, their challenges. You can go through all blog posts of this website and even bookmark certain posts and you can reach me later in the future or if appropriate.
I wake up at 6 or 7 in the morning. Have exercise or warm up for 20 minutes. (cardio vascular and physical exercises). There is no fixed or daily routine. I keep on getting calls or phone keeps on ringing 24 hrs a day, some sms, whatsapp messages, people pinging me on skype. I sleep at 1 at night or most of the time at 3 am, due to the workload or queue.
At 9 or 10 am, I commute to my office, 7 kms away from my home. 1 hour on travel and evening 1 hour travel again. Sometimes, I just work from home, attending calls and emails, so that I can save 2 hours time on travel. (Productivity)
I spend my day, replying emails of my loyal subscribers first. Making few calls and follow up with them, with my existing clients who are practising certain mystic arts, to improve their chakra, energy levels, simple meditation and connecting with various spirits, guardians and angels by invoking them.
Most of the people, were asking belief system of my subscribers?
Most of my subscribers believe in animal spirits, guardians, angels, demigods and different archetype from different parts of the world. By just speaking about such topics, I was surprised, how much they are connected with spirit realm. Such people connect with us naturally. They find us naturally on search engines for certain search terms.
Some people were asking me, what kind of people with what problems, they approach you the most?
Most of the people need help in marriage, dating, patch relationships, odds to fix love, breakups, divorce or not, court cases,litigation, enemy problems, overcome competation, blackmagic and evil eye issues, know psychology and mood of a particular person, Know about their career and jobs, health, wealth, financial issues, how to clear loans and debts or the money they owe to someone, life, most of them want to know about their loved ones, horoscope matching, and other mysterious questions.
On daily basis, many people approach me, to find about missing person, lost pets, cats, dogs, lost articles, items, stolen goods or theft clues. I get lot of emails and skype requests. It is not possible to attend each and every case though, due to the queue. I just politely ask them, to consult other online portal or their local area.
So it becomes afternoon at around 1:30 to 2 pm, its lunch time and now following up with people, who have subscribed to my mystic arts exercises. Any random person, who approaches me, I can track their mood and psychology, their behavior, their attitude, how long this relationship will sustain and many other questions instantly. Depending upon this info, I may decide to proceed with consultation or not.
Any random person who approaches me for reading or consultation, I just ask my spirits or mystic chart, what about this particular person? Shall I proceed with consultation or not? If they say a strong yes, I will proceed, otherwise not. This analysis is tested and proven for me. People are different. I can feel the vibes, nature, character and many metrics of any person who approaches me for consultation. All kinds of elements do approach me online, both good and bad. I only deal with people, who sync with our beliefs. I do what my conscience says. I don’t care much about what others say or speak about me. I have my own beliefs and believes in tell tale signs and omens.
Note: I have not enabled any payment processor on my website, for a purpose. People approach me through email, skype, whatsapp for consultation. Once I feel that, they are okay for consultation, we can work with them and relationship will be good, I send my payment transfer details and then proceed with consultation. Later, they can consult me instantly or sooner. I have a goal and purpose in life and have my own beliefs.
I don’t deal with people with negative attitude. They don’t sync with anyone. Wherever they go, they keep on bad mouthing or bickering, anyone they deal with. I don’t want to deal with them. I can instantly feel the vibes, as soon they approach me in sms, email, whatsapp, skype or in person. My spirits instantly connect with their energies, and shows me their exact mind map, their attitude, character, belief systems, whether this relationship will move forward or just stops after the call. You know, 70% of the traffic I get is referral traffic, I mean the past customers, who spread the word out for me. Everything is energy and vibes.
Most of the the time, I just politely ask them to contact someone in their local area or some other online portal. Character and behavior is important to me. I know each and every person in my subscriber pool on a deeper level. They never hide anything with me. Maybe they trust me. They should sync or align with someone right?
Business class people:
I believe in generating profits and revenues for my loyal subscribers, through their existing ventures and resources. Read the paragraphs below to get a clear idea, how we do this, using astrology, spirits help and mystic arts.
Then comes the business class people, whom I attend after 5 pm. They need help to sell and buy real estate, make improvements, hold it and make profits. I calculate the buy/sell time using spirits help instantly. It can also be high stake goods, gadgets, equipment or machinery for a company. Some people ask suggestions about a partnership, whether this will work out or not, their, attitude, behavior and many other questions. Many people had good partnerships, issues in partnerships, average or partnerships turning sour.
In this world, partnerships are very important. But they come with lot of benefits. They can also break or cause unneccessary headache if he or she is too dominating, doesn’t respect your views, or anything goes wrong. Many big companies are found by many co founders. Going solo is appreciated, but partnership can ease any challenges or burden that comes in your way. Solution: Keep looking and find an ideal one. Also securing high stake projects, making and closing deals and contracts in bidding scenario are also discussed.
Real estate agents, builders, and arbitage business, want to know how they can make profits by buy/sell deals. They buy a property, hold it for sometime and flip it for profits. My spirits know the market and how much value they can get from those deals.
People connected with construction/oil, gas and mining business, want to know about securing new tenders or contracts, whether to buy that costly machinery or equipment or not? What about this partner and how it goes?
Some people discover a new machinery or equipment and want to know how much profits they can make using it? (by owning it, leasing it or partnership). They want to start a new business or franchise and want to know whether it can be profitable or not? Any possibility to revive dead companies or acquire it? Acquisition? Buyout an existing company and develop it? What are the future prospects?
Buy sell flip or hold cars / gadgets / bikes / equipment antique or vintage items:
There are many people who love buying and selling cars, equipment, vintage and antique items. They need to know the buyer/seller pool, at what price range they can sell their stuff, when will they get a ideal buyer. Big car dealers and showroom owners contact me for this. I have written a blog post about this.
Spirits have access to all those info. They have crystal ball or radar like vision. We can answer most of the questions instantly in few minutes or some may take time for calculations or spirits can answer it instantly by connecting with the object/person and energy levels and feeling the vibes.
Questions about new business, venture, company, partnerships, new locations, acquisition, making deals are also discussed using spirits help. Most of my subscribers are big businessman, industralists. Some have factory or office, say with a employee size of 20+ 50+ 500+ and even 1000+. They need help to choose a manager, hire best employee for management with leadership qualities, whether talent is available within or get from outside the company. Some are looking to choose a successor, who can takeover their roles and responsibilities. Some businessmen, need help in mediating business disputes, whether diplomacy works out or not. Many civil, criminal and court cases are discussed here. Whether to invest certain stakes in this firm or not? Whether this franchise or business will be profitable or not?
Spirits have crystal ball or radar like vision and helps me to analyse all odds.
I reach home around 7 pm and again start replying to messages around 7:30 or 8 pm. (Some days, I prefer to work from home, to save 2 hours travel time)
This time, I have lot of marriage questions. Most of the people, want to know about horoscope match making, whether this bride or bridegroom is ideal, their nature, character, behavior, attitude and many questions. Some also want to know, whether is there any odds to fix the marriage and divorce cases. Divorce cases are very alarming. 9 to 9:30 pm, I take a break.
Regarding marriage, I always ask them to bring 2 to 5 proposals, so that we can analyse each person and see, who suits them the most. Most of them have already narrow down the options and ask which of these 3 will sync perfectly with my bride or bridegroom. There are lot of divorce cases, and people take suggestions seriously. In my personal observation, evil eye and blackmagic can break any marriage or love.
Marriages, Divorce and second marriage:
These people will also ask, any odds to fix divorce. What is the other person mood and psychology? what he or she is thinking about you? There are certain instances, we were able to fix many divorces. My mystic charts will show it clearly. If there is no way or astrological factors to fix divorce, we see the possibilities of second marriage and ideal proposals, whether it will be happy marriage or who suits them the most, with a list of given proposals.
If the chart says, we can fix divorce and marriage, we may seek spirits help. Otherwise,no. The damage is already done, and he/she is already committed to someone after breakup or divorce. They can’t come back right? So the sooner you approach to know the astrological possibilities, the better.
Love and relationship matters:
Many people approach me for love related issues, that they have met someone a week ago and where this will lead to, say friendship or marriage or will it fade away or break. Someone will be suddenly connected with someone special, and they could feel the change in vibes and energy levels. It happens if that love is connected with past life. Some people want to fix the issues in relationships, patch up any misunderstanding, connect with old crush or love, any possibilities? Whether the other party have feelings or love for them or not?
My response: We need to analyse the odds and outcome using mystic charts and spirits help instantly. Then only we can say. Some cases, nothing much can be done about it. The universe and mysterious forces of nature itself blocks it. But, the charts gives fantastic indications, this relationship can be patched and few vibes will do. Then we will seek the help of spirits by invoking them, if the chart shows a clear yes. We call this mystic arts.
Then comes the love obsessed ones from different countries. These women love someone who is very unpredictable, stubborn, criminal elements. I caution them or warn them about this proposals, say you should be very careful about this proposal, because I get lot of tell tale signs and omens in the chart instantly, which will lead to divorce, breakups and grief. These women are from Europe, India, USA and south asian countries. My spirits instantly connect with their energies, and gives me information about their character, nature, how he/she will treat spouse after marriage and many metrics or questions in this regard.
There are many cases, which go well and proposal is ideal and there will be lot of love and happiness after marriage. Such cases, we tell them to move forward. Of course, by analysing all odds, whether there is any opposition from their parents side or any warnings. If mystic charts are supporting and my spirits are also showing good signs, I ask them to have talk with their parents or community or marriage. Otherwise no. I will explain the reasons during consultation.
Some people despite my warnings, about this person or horoscope not matching get married anyway, and I have seen their marriages break in record time of 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, 2 years. Or he/she doesn’t have same feelings as before and in some cases, people abandoning their spouse even after having 2 kids. They come to me. I tell them, I have given all warnings before and you have lead to this situation. Blackmagic and evil eye is an exception.
We get lot of questions regarding love, lovelife, breakups and any odds to patch up. I have written a detailed post about the topic here.
Then consoling and comforting people who met with an accident, dangerous disease, some fights with rivals, loss of family member, some conspiracy and betrayal. It takes lot of time here.
Many people lose their jobs, no matter whether it is entry level, middle or manager positions. All those fancy jobs in information, airlines, marketing, sales, support levels come under this category. Some are just fired or just layoff, for no particular reason, or the company just want to increase their profits, or company is not able to find sufficient projects to maintain the numbers in workforce, and many reasons. What is the next step?
Models, artists and fashion obsessed people:
Some models and artists, approach me for astrology consultation and readings. Even some connected with adult industry want to know more about their future, any suggestions or improvements if any to improve their skills, looks and many questions in this regard. I have wrote many blog posts about this topic. Most of them are into cosmetic surgery and want to know my suggestion to improve their skin tone, looks, enhance beauty, where they can get a better deal among the available pool for cosmetic surgeries, whether it is suggested or not?
Even spirits can also answer most of such questions instantly. We just need a photo of the person. Spirits know, how far they can reach, their career, prospects and more.
Where do my customers or subscribers come from?
70% of my subscribers are NRI. (I mean Indians settled or working in other countries).They come from all industries, say doctors, sales and marketing, engineers, businessmen, industralist, software engineers, real estate owners, all professions connected with hospitality sector, even small time artists and models. Others come from western Europe, USA, Canada, South east asia and India.
I work for 365 days, no leave or vacation. Infact 70% of the work is done using internet, I mean replying to whatsapp consultation, skype messages, emails,sms and so on. 70% of the communication happens on direct voice calls on skype, whatsapp and phone. For my subscribers from other countries, we normally use whatsapp and skype voice calls for instant communication.
From 9:30 pm, I keep on attending calls, replying emails, have voice calls on skype, whatsapp and phone. There will be lot of pending emails or consultation requests on whatsapp, skype and email. Due to my schedule, I may not be able to connect with everyone. I have fixed my consulting time per person from 30 min to 45 min max, because I also have a queue to manage. So this goes around for 2 am and at 3 am, I may decide to sleep. There are most of the days, I don’t sleep continuously for 3 days. I am just used or conditioned to it.
Most of my local subscribers, will meet me in my office in person, once we have established a good rapport or relationship. At present, we are not dealing offline, because I am not able to handle the traffic online. I may be travelling most of the time, sometimes without any planning. So for my subscribers, to meet me in person, we fix the date and time. 100% of these visitors are my customers who had consultation with me online. We do not deal with offline customers. I want to keep the portal online and then meet in person if appropriate. Most of these visitors are from foreign countries, whom I have met online during consultation, and once they come to India, they decide to meet me in person.
In India, I can travel anywhere anytime. But my top priority is to manage the unique visitors, I get from internet and 70% of the time, I may deny on site consultation. 70% of the traffic I get are from my previous customers, who have dealt with me in the past, their friends, family members, relatives, neighbors, colleagues, their bosses, their community and closed ones.
I have waived off the consulting fees, for most of my loyal and recurring customers on most of the occasions and they in turn help me to build the community. (only for loyal subscribers)
These people are very loyal and spread the word out, say word of mouth marketing, say in a social setting, the place they work, or while having discussion with their friends. They do it naturally. Depending upon the relationship or rapport we have with them, I may just ask them to spread word about my website, just naturally describe your experience. Some even share my posts on popular social media platforms. I owe this person a lot and thank them for connecting lot of people in the pool. These people also connect me with media outlets, journalists, reporters, print media and I do get lot of emails and interviews, without doing nothing. But I am happy with word of mouth networking and they trying to create a conversation about my website, what we do say during parties, when they hangout with friends, family members, colleagues.
Our belief systems connect with similar people.
I have met many big directors, CEO’s, managers, decision makers, models, artists and people of interesting roles and profession, only due to astrology. These people have a natural inclination for astrology and they connect with me.
Either they approach me or sometimes I even make some moves and approach certain people. I don’t deal with certain people, who don’t sync with me. In America, Europe and Asian countries, there are lot of people who are connected with animal spirits, angels, guardians, demi gods and different archetypes. They find lot of similarity in us. I respect their culture and traditions. There are many countries and certain people, I don’t deal with consultation or astrology readings, because their belief systems are different. I politely ask them to deal either local area or some other portal online.
Maybe we are giving them more clarity about their life, what is going to happen, tell tale signs and warnings, which is crucial for decision making or my mystic arts exercises, and the changes they have felt in their lives. Most of these people had breakups, divorce, litigation, love issues, conspiracy, faced a personal tragedy, lost a loved one, met with an accident, a fatal disease and many things, we don’t want to mention. You should express your feelings or experiences with someone right.
These people never hide anything from me. They discuss things with me, which they even hesitate to discuss with their closed friends or confidant. They love instant communication on voice calls, clarity anything there and then in real time. New subscribers, adapt voice calls on whatsapp, skype and phone. Email is time consuming for to and fro communication. Voice calls helps me to maintain the queue.
My skills and hobbies:
Hobbies: I do SEO a lot for my friends circles or within my astrology pool for a fee. I have done lot of side jobs in my past, to support my astrology pursuits. Sometimes, I even feel like, quit astrology and only concentrate on those jobs. But high engagement rate, the surprise our subscribers receive, their excitement, amazement, they believe there is lot to explore using this art.
Other skills: Swimming, cooking, blogging, designing and graphics works, help my friends with video editing, photography and communication skills, accent. I have practised yoga and meditation for a while during my college days.
I have helped many people in starting their company or business, the GST calculations, taught them book keeping, both cloud, book or spreadsheet methods. In other countries it is called Sales tax and VAT. For small companies, factory, small home based business, assembling business and ecommerce and many other sectors, I have taught them GST calculations. For filing, it is better they consult an accountant.
Vastu shastra consultant:
I have done lot of onsite vastu consultation during 2014 to 2017 and now I have stopped for a while, because my website is receiving huge traffic, and now I am managing unique visitors and customers, referral contacts I get from internet. I do get lot of vastu consultation requests from all cities in India (particularly south Indian cities) and including various requests from overseas or abroad, including USA, Europe and south asian countries. Maintaining website traffic is my top priority.
Mystic arts:
There are certain simple exercises to connect with friendly spirits, to improve your aura, chakras and energy levels. Most of the people have issues in relationships, marriage, career because their chakras are blocked. By using mystic arts, we can request spirits to help in various aspects of life.
Blackmagic and evil eye:
Issues can also be court cases, blackmagic, evil eye, enemy problems, job, business and mysterious issues. A consultation is mandatory to determine how energies are working for you. People also discuss about black magic and paranormal issues, evil eye and how it is affecting their career,job, business, relationships, marriage, partnerships and various prospects. How their enemies are becoming powerful through blackmagic, and using it against them or attacking them through various means, including how weird things can be, or things going nasty.
People don’t shy and discuss things, with me, like some entity shouting, marks on their body, some paranormal things happening in their home or office. Loss of business revenues, sudden loss of job, breakups in relationships, divorce, accident, certain diseases like stroke, heart attack, seizure, paralysis are all signs of blackmagic and evil eye. However, I need to check using my mystic chart astrology method, if that is the case.
. Many of my subscribers have first hand experience in blackmagic, evil eye, sorcery, witchcraft, voodoo whatever, people call them with different names. But unfortunately it is real.
There are certain people, their nature, behavior or character doesn’t align with spirits. There are certain house rules, diet and food habits, which are simple to follow. Annoying spirits, they may stop to help you. It is better to know this.
Whosoever enrolls or practises mystic arts, I analyse the outcome and odds instantly using mystic arts and if I see that spirits are willing to help them, as per the chart, I proceed. Otherwise, not. There are certain countries I don’t deal with mystic arts, because their belief systems are different or just can’t follow simple house rules or just can’t sync with us. Also their character and behavior is important. I could see all these factors or get answers instantly using mystic charts.
Otherwise, spirits just don’t want to deal with such people in first place. I just don’t deal with such people in first place or initiate or invoke spirits help. There are certain principles and house rules to follow.
This is what my subscribers call gaurdians, angels, animal spirits, demigods and certain archetypes. We are only connect with friendly spirits. They can help in various aspects of life. They work on different dimensions and planes, but highly sensitive to human needs.
All my subscribers, are connected with guardians and spirits in one way or other. Such people find us on google search, word of mouth by my loyal referrals, and some find us naturally by some means or other and we discuss such topics, they feel like how much deeply they are connected with spirit realm. Most of them have 1 or 2 or multiple spirits trying to help them or connect with them.
I believe in helping people, by making them aware of their existing skills and resources. (few exceptions do apply) I believe in industrial revolution. That is the reason I am helping maximum business, company and to start factory units worldwide, if my astrology charts are supporting them. Also, factories can generate more jobs and absorb semi skilled workers and improve their quality of life. More factories or more numbers the better.
My followers bring me lot of new connections in the pool. Some share same beliefs like we do, some are different. These new connections can be industrialist, businessman, entrepreneurs, founders of company, directors, managers, decision makers or CEO’s and real estate owners, regular people who does a 9 to 5 sales, IT or marketing job or various other sectors.
We only deal with those who sync with us. I am only 1 in number and all odds against me most of the time. But my beliefs always connect with someone or I nudge them or they approach me.
I can do all my household chores all on my own like cooking various cuisine, housekeeping, laundry, gardening, look after pets, driving (frequency is low. I use public transportation like metro, buses, ferry and car pooling to save costs. The money saved from this activities, counts a lot, and I donate them in charity instead or aged person, I see on the streets, which makes a difference in their lives.)
I am DIY person, and only rely on other services, if there is no other option. Basic plumbing repairs, electric repairs, washing and maintaining cars, any household repairs and semi skilled work, I do all on my own. If I have no idea about something, then only I seek professional services.
I never bargained in my life. I always tried to help them or give the exact price they ask for, be it auto driver, fruit seller or any road side vendor. That small amount of extra money, may not make them rich, but it makes a difference in looking after their kids, spouse or daughter. I always see an opportunity to help others be it my social circle, friends or relatives or aged people. If I can’t do any good, atleast I keep quiet.
I spend lot of money on online ads, building relationships, so that reliable people can connect with my website. Now I stopped it for a while, because my loyal subscribers are linking me, many people, using their connections.
I have lot of experience in running ads on all popular social media platforms. I learnt through years of trial and error and optimisation.
Do you know astrology can speak a lot about your loved ones, relationships, and birds and bees type of questions. Get answers to all love, love life, crush, secret and mysterious questions. Spirits have powerful vision. They have the answers. I just need a detailed description about the situation. Know psychology of your boyfriend, girlfriend, old crush, spouse, husband, wife, lost love, ignite spark and passion. No shy! No embarrassment! Astrology for birds and bees has all the ingredients, my subscribers are looking for. Say what he or she is thinking about you? Their exact mood or psychology.
Whether it is possible to patch up any lost love, breakups, relationships or not? Ignite spark and passion in old crush or not? Astrology for birds and bees can give instant answers. We also have spirits, which are highly sensitive to human feelings and deeply connected to earth plane. They create some kind of internal awakening among people or strong feelings of love and affection for you. This can be instantly determined during consultation. Ultimately some kind of communication will take place, due to its powerful vibes, say a text message, a phone call, email or direct in person meeting and it is upto you on how you want to take to the next level.
Works well on voice calls, than email, because to and fro communication is very important and you can ask questions, there and then. Analyse the situation in all angles, what if you do this? , what if you do that?. Understand the outcome and odds using astrology and make moves.
Over years of astrology practice, I know exactly what my subscribers are looking for. They just love this, and keep coming back again and again. Mystic charts can also tell, what kind of person he/she is, their psychology, whether this relationship will survive or not?, the mileage in relationship and marriage, leaving nothing to the imagination. Astrology for birds and bees is well accepted by my subscribers worldwide. They say, this is what they are looking for.
It’s upto me, where to draw a line. This is for loyal subscribers only. Contact me for consultation, if interested.