After death communication with beloved person

If you lose the most beloved person, due to untimely death, it may try to communicate in the first few days. You don’t need to be a medium or yogi to experience it. That’s a natural response, the last communication before farewell. Not all can tune to such dimensions. These things are not discussed in public domain.

A strong presence of dead person visiting home can be felt
for few days, after their death. they are trying to communicate with you. It depends upon the attachment or unconditional loyalty, you have with the dead person.

It could be your father, mother, grandfather, spouse, great friend, child, most beloved worker(like caretaker who took care of you, once seriously ill or saved your life), father like figure or employer. They have just lost their physical form, and will be in earth plane for limited few days and they will move away.

If you have lot of gratitude to dead person, you owe them a lot and just passed away you may feel strong paranormal presence for few days. It is trying to communicate with you. Dont turn your back on them or indifferent to them. Their presence is limited for only few days or limited time after death. They will move away.

Hindu beliefs in particular. people of other faith in world, if you have experienced such experiences are welcome to share experiences.

Many of my astrology followers have experienced, some kind of psychic connection, immediately after the untimely death of the most beloved family member. you cannot share those experiences with your friends, relatives, neighbours or even with your family members.

Cultures all around the world, keep it hidden.

you can share such paranormal experiences with us, we are a big community.

Some people may experience lot of otherworld connection. They could see paranormal entities, demigods, death messengers. I have conversation with lot of elderly people before the death, and I can write a seperate blog post for same.

Particularly, if they are admitted in hospital, in critical or life and death situation, they will experience astral projection, lucid dreaming, conversation with dead ancestors, the death messengers are trying to pull your soul, but your family prayers wants you back on earth plane. Due to the sedatives or unconscious state in hospital, your mind will go into deep sleep state for hours and even days and you have already experienced death and came back to earth plane. (Lot of people have shared their experiences with me).

Paranormal sightings:

Old age people could see strange animals, half human – half animal, or human beings from different world. They are messengers, on what has to come. Perhaps their death is near or just their intuition chakras got activated.

They do hesitate to speak, such sightings with own family members, just because they may be laughed at or ridiculed. Encourage them to speak, by being good with them.

I have personally talked with lot of people, just few days or hours before death, and I can write a big blog post about that experiences later. They came in contact with otherworld dimensions and frequencies. You can discuss such experiences with me..