Karma power = Magical power of universe

Karma power = Magical power of universe

karma power magic of universe

Most of them have heard the term “Karma” many times. It is the foundation of Indian astrology. All the forces of nature, operate strictly on basis of Karmic theory.

Karma is the reservoir of energy. The force and momentum, given by karma to manifest an event, in an astrological chart, cannot be matched. Out of nowhere, people reach peak at a particular point in life, is due to the power of good karma accumulated in past life. It adds on and karma cycle goes on. Good karma works like a charm. Supporting Karma is very important in an astrological chart to achieve certain objectives in life.

Astrology is all about cycles and events manifest, when it is ripe or appropriate.
This manifestation period, can be tracked using an astrological chart. Timing and manifestation depends upon the karma of an individual in an astrological chart.

Some people have good relationship karma, money karma, green thumb and so on. Your birth or natal chart, gives me a glimpse, of how tides of karma are working for you. If beneficial,the individual will achieve all aspects of life, with minimum efforts or almost doing nothing. Also right action at the right time is very important. Times are changing, and the energy level of planets influencing you depends upon the respective planetary periods in your chart. Once timing is compromised, things may not be the same later.
So Karma is an invisible force, which changes the tides in your favour or not, based on past life credit. Karma itself forces things to happen. If the natal chart has lot of afflictions, it should be fixed by doing certain remedies to the concerned planets, before the operating period to minimize afflictions to certain extent, by balancing the planetary energies in the astrological chart.

We have lot to say about Karma theory alone and we need another blog for the same, to cover all the aspects.

