Secrets of full moon and dark moon in astrology l amavasya poornima

A quick 5 minute video, about amavasya, purnima.

Westerners call it as full moon day, dark moon (no moon) day. These 2 astrological phases of moon, have lot of significance in hindu astrology and many schools of astrology in particular. Every month, we have 1 dark moon (no moon) and 1 full moon (new moon) day. So we have average of 12 full moon day and 12 dark moon (or no moon) days in a year. Most of the important festivals in various cultures, if it falls in these days, then the day is considered powerful as per almanac. There will be mood swings in human about love, relationships, sex, dating, attraction, jobs, career, business opportunities, evil eye and black magic, witchcraft, occult, summon spirits at peak on these days.

No moon (dark moon) or amavasya secrets: 

Evil spirits energies will be at the peak on no moon or dark moon days. Ghosts, pretas, vampires, paranormal entities will be in peak of power. Most of the shamans and black magicians are most active on these days.

Appeasing kshudra devathas, evil spirits and various nature spirits and animal spirits to build a strong bond or connection with them or honour them. The next 15 days, after no moon or dark moon, the moon gains visibility, as each day passes by.

There will be high tides in ocean, accidents, crimes, murders, dangerous fights, rifts and even random terrorists attacks based on my years of observation. So avoid major travels for personal/business purpose on these days. You may travel the next day or plan accordingly. Including avoid signing new business proposals, new venture, buying new car, equipment or gadgets, hiring employees on these days.

tantra 11

People born on these days, have some kind of psychic powers and intuition, which will be visible in later stages in life. Avoid visiting shady areas like nightclubs, pubs, bars, lonely and deserted places, because chances of encounter with anti social elements, drug addicts are high. Many cases reported, particularly at night. Always be on light and crowded areas, where there is lot of foot traffic and be careful about your keys, gadgets like smartphone, cash and valuables. Most of the things get stolen and misplaced on these days. There is no light in atmosphere, and anything can happen in just few seconds. Avoid  certain trees, where evil spirits hang out. Most of the astrology and superstitious inclined people, take lot of vows and fulfill small vows, celibacy, avoid sex. alcohol, no non veg, and any other forms of entertainment of senses. In return, the spirits gets pleased and bless them with various magical abilities, as per various customs. So, most of my astrology followers are highly superstitious and plan these 2 days in advance, their schedule, travel and daily activities. Many of them observe fast from morning to evening or as per their capacity, with small intake of food here and there. Vows for good marriage (if looking for a soul mate), business opportunities, partnerships, seek help in enemy problems, improve financial positions, jobs, promotions, hike in salary and various, tantra and occult practises are done on these days.

Full moon (new moon) or purnima secrets

After 15 days, we will have full moon day where moon’s energy keeps on increasing in strength after no moon day. On Poornima (full moon day) is of great astrological significance in hindu astrology and various astrology schools in world. Various rituals, vows are made to gods, guardians and good spirits. A bowl of rice and glass of water is offered to dead ancestors on amavasya days (no moon and dark moon days). Practises vary on different regions and customs. Honoring the dead ancestors on amavasya are of great significance.

A lot of whitemagic rituals, honour guardians and spirits, spellcasting or spells, travels, new business agreements signing, partnerships, partnerships, start of new business, buying costly gadgets and equipments are done on this day, along with consultation of astrologer for certain almanac timings. If your horoscope operating dasha and placement is very good, many surprises and opportunities come in your way.

In Indian astrology and hindu astrology, dead ancestors are also honoured on this day, start of a new venture. The position of moon cycle is at the peak and light intensity at peak. People born on these days, have intuition and hidden occult abilities. Most of the popular festivals in hindu astrology, come on this day, since the day is considered very auspicious for multiple purposes.

Amavasya and Purnima secrets: 

Moon energies are very important for attraction, charishma, charm and win grace and goodwill of female dieties and even females. Moon determines the human nature, sudden behavior, mood swings, anxiety, depression, restlessness and hidden fears.

So stable condition of moon is very important. Otherwise you will be always worried about past, imaginary fears, nostalgia, obsessed with love, dating, relationships.

If Moon is good in your chart, you will receive lot of support from mature and elderly females, emotional and even financial support if appropriate. So most of the superstitious people, they do lot of rituals, take vow for a day, avoid sex, alcohol, avoid non veg and treat forces of  mother nature well. In return, the supernatural bless you with opportunities and lot of surprises on the way. You need to win over them, and they can sense your intent or intention.


If you are looking for soulmate or marriage, life partner, overcome enemy problems, evil eye, court cases, litigations, attract new opportunities in career, business partners, then we strongly suggest you to do certain rituals and take vow upto your capacity on these days, under the guidance of astrologer.


Incoming search terms:

What is amavasya and poornima (purnima) in hindu astrology l indian astrology? What is full moon day and no moon day in western astrology?

what is new moon day and dark moon day in indian astrology?

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