Due to sudden surge in website traffic, i couldn’t handle 50% of calls on phone skype/ whatsapp and email. We personally apologise for any inconvenience caused, due to this. If you still need our services, we can proceed today. I have temporarily blocked all advertising channels to clear this pending queue.

General answer

Hi welcome. Mystic horary astrologer here.

We  believe in karma theory and only deal with those who believe in our ideology. You should mandatory read the important links below like FAQ, About us, Readings page  and then get back to us if interested.No compulsion!  We are not interested in increasing numbers.   


My general fee is $32 or Rs 2000.

No obligations. Any concerns, let me know thanks

If you have an UPI account with any bank, you can instantly pay me directly using this address.

(Money is transfered instantly in seconds 24/7, no registration, no processing fee,
no manual approval needed from bank in this case)


You can also pay me using bank transfer.

Bank transfer details - ICICI bank

name: Harsha A
acc no: 116001501719
ifsc code: ICIC0001160
icici bank, kochi, kerala state
swift code: ICICINBB010 (optional)

No compulsion.

Also, we need to analyse your natal/birth chart or horary to understand your energy levels.

Then i will suggest some simple methods if neccessary.

For natal/ birth chart we need these details.
1. Date of birth
2. Time of birth
3. Place of birth (mandatory)


For horary chart, we dont need any info.
Just ask the questions in real time and you will get answers instantly.
(No date, time, location needed n this case)

Any concerns, let me know.  we can have a talk.

Not interested in increasing numbers

Note: We are not interested in merely increasing our numbers. There is a big number of people, who believe in astrology and they find my website naturally on google or other social media platforms
and get back to us if interested. These are the 3 important pages in our website. Most of the FAQ are answered there. If you have time, read it once. That is the natural way, people come to us for consultation.


Get back to us if interested. No compulsion! Hope that helps.

Other payment methods


paytm number : 7736569514

Hi paytm is easiest method. You can instantly pay using debit/credit or netbanking.

 Paypal id: harsha0498@gmail.com
Note: If you decide  to pay through paypal, contact me first and only proceed, if I say yes.

Skrill id: mailharsha08@gmail.com
Note: Most countries accept skrill. You can instantly open an account in skrill.com, deposit money through various options like debit/credit card (instant), netbanking, astropay or  online deposit (may take 30 min to 45 min to reflect in skrill. Then transfer is instant. ( for fast instant transactions)

Other payment methods, contact me directly.

After payment, I will schedule or allot 30 minutes time dedicated only for you, either after few hours, instantly or schedule a time convenient for both.
 Then contact me on phone call or voice calls on skype/whatsapp preferred.
Write questions on a piece of paper to ask during this timeframe.

We also have a queue to manage and it is time sensitive.

Note: My schedule and availability keeps on changing due to queue. If you decide to make payment after few days, always ask me, before you make a transfer. So that I can schedule time for you.


Which mode of consultation, do you prefer?
(any one at a time)

Phone call/ Skype voice call/ whatsapp voice call/ Email

Note: No chatting/typing. Voice calls only.
I need to manage the queue. Otherwise prefer email.

We can schedule the consultation time, if appropriate.


Local area
It's better you consult someone in your local area. We have enough numbers online.
We have an ideology and stick to it, no matter what.
Good luck!!
On queue

I have lot of pending emails on queue. Also, Skype pending requests. few whatsapp requests
and phone calls to be answered back. So if interested, buy a reading and I will consider.

I will allot 20 minutes time only for you, during consultation. You can also write questions to ask on paper
and then contact me.  

You can ask as many questions as you want during this timeframe. I will look after few birth charts of you, family members and even horary chart
if appropriate.

Come back again

Have a consultation once, and you will come back again in the future for sure.
I bet on this.
Mystic arts

We are also into mystic arts for likeminded people. Have a look and get back to us if interested. We can have a talk for 5 minutes on call, if you need a clear picture.

We understand people come from different background, customs, tradition, belief systems. This is only for likeminded people, who have some kind of strong inclination for occult and astrology.
Get back to us, if interested.





Vashikaran request

We dont entertain such requests, before knowing what kind of person you are, your karma, whether your situation is legit or justice is on your side, enemy issues  in first place. Character of person is very important for me and I should feel  convinced to initiate for you. We dont deal without a consultation for such requests. A mandatory consultation is important, where we schedule 30 minutes for you, know more about yourself, your karma,
your energy levels as per mystic art. Such things can only be decided after consultation. We also have a queue to manage, and cannot answer all such requests, when many others are waiting for reading.
Otherwise, buy a reading, and we can discuss about it or your situation over whatsapp, skype or phone calls.

Either you can get back to us if interested, or deal with some astrologer in your local area or someone online. Good luck!! Bye for now

Worldwide sms script


Mystic astrologer here. Contact me on whatsapp/skype or email. Not able to take phone calls due to huge volume.
 https://mystichorary.com whatsapp +91 7736569514


SBI savings account,  Elamakkara

Harsha A
acc no: 20159707893
IFSC: SBIN0012856
Elamakkara,Kochi, Kerala state
swift code:  SBININBB395 (optional)

HDFC bank

Harsha A
acc no: 12181140002687
IFSC: HDFC0001218
Main Branch, Choice towers, Kochi, Kerala state
 swift code: HDFCINBBCOC (optional)

ICICI bank

name: Harsha A
acc no: 116001501719
ifsc code: ICIC0001160
icici bank, kochi, kerala state
swift code: ICICINBB010 (optional)


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Astrology,career, mystery,
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Hi, Mystic horary astrologer here.

Read this    


Visit my website to know more.  https://mystichorary.com


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Gst invoice

Bhaaloo Creatives
Harsha A
Avalon square, Building no. 32/959 B3,
1st floor upstairs, Palarivattom
Kochi, Kerala state

ph no +91 9605799514


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Hindutva index   (Collection of  hindu events, specifically made for Hindu diaspora worldwide)

Ads index (All my astrology experiences and other forms of astrology like vashikaran, hypnosis, enemy problems, black magic, occult. Lot of interesting blog posts. Members only)

Basic altar setup

Spirits clients experiences


Instagram profiles

1. https://instagram.com/horaryastrologer

2. https://instagram.com/influencersmobile

Youtube channel link



Astrology website


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